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10nl 6 max - how to play this flop pt. 2

Phantom LImb

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Here is another hand, where i'm not quite sure what to do on the flop. Hand Converted by Ace Poker Drills Hand Converted by Ace Poker Drills Poker Training Software NL Holdem $0.1(BB) SB ($11.5) BB ($13.68) HERO ($11.22) HJ ($10.18) CO ($12.1) BTN ($9.55) Dealt to Hero :Ac: :Ad: HERO Raises To $0.3 , HJ Folds , CO Calls $0.3 , BTN Folds , SB Folds , BB Calls $0.2 Flop ($0.8) :Jc: :5d: :4d: BB Bets $0.95 , HERO Calls $0.95 , CO Raises To $1.9 , BB Calls $0.95 , HERO ?

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Re: 10nl 6 max - how to play this flop pt. 2

You have to raise the initial flop bet, IMO. As played though, I'm not sure now. BB's line is weird. Balls to it, get it in and make notes on BB and the other guy.
by raising the flop we polarize our range, what do we do when we are cold 3bet by CO?
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Re: 10nl 6 max - how to play this flop pt. 2

by raising the flop we polarize our range' date=' what do we do when we are cold 3bet by CO?[/quote'] We have very few bluffs but still have flush and straight draws, sets, over pairs in our range. Flatting and going to the turn 3 way isnt what we want. You're being results orientated knowing the CO raises.
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Re: 10nl 6 max - how to play this flop pt. 2

We have very few bluffs but still have flush and straight draws, sets, over pairs in our range. Flatting and going to the turn 3 way isnt what we want. You're being results orientated knowing the CO raises.
I dont think necessarily we go 3 ways to the turn on this board, there is a big difference between the CO raising and 3betting... I was asking what line you take when you raise and get 3bet?
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Re: 10nl 6 max - how to play this flop pt. 2 Sorry guys, this is from a Bovada hand, so only have a very small session stats for each. i know i had them both pegged as pretty fishy. you get a lot of 50/10 ish type players on there. When BB donks i was putting him on a top pair type hand, and wanted to keep the other guy in, but when he raises the flop i'm kinda thinking 2 pair +

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Re: 10nl 6 max - how to play this flop pt. 2

Sorry guys, this is from a Bovada hand, so only have a very small session stats for each. i know i had them both pegged as pretty fishy. you get a lot of 50/10 ish type players on there. When BB donks i was putting him on a top pair type hand, and wanted to keep the other guy in, but when he raises the flop i'm kinda thinking 2 pair +
What 2 pair combo's does he really have in his range plus only worried about 55 & 44 reckon JJ 3 bets most time in late position , no reason to worry yet most likely one has top pair and the other flush draw , the flush draw with top pair like KJdd & QJdd is probably more weighed to the cut-off. I'm sometimes calling and evaluating again on the turn , more often happy to raise it up more and shove the turn. how did the hand pan out?
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