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Advice needed


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Hi there, I recently noticed this part of the forum and being a daily player on stars and live i will probably be a regular poster for the foreseeable future. Basically the thought of staking has never entered my head but i constantly hear it mentioned by the higher standard of player i mix with online and at the casino and it's something i should really look to be taking part in. After reading through a couple of threads i understand that my post count is nowhere close to being able to take part in the staking side of things, i would just appreciate some feedback on whether i'm the type of player backers would be interested in the future. This a link to my pocketfives account : http://www.pocketfives.com/profiles/lawzinho7/ Officialpokerrankings : http://officialpokerrankings.com/pokerstars/legendlaw/poker/results/657E54A486B44D6497282C198A2B9B8E.html?t=2 I look forward to hearing your feedback Regards Nick

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