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Where are you playing Sunday 23rd June

Burnley Joe

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Re: Where are you playing Sunday 23rd June GUKPT Freeroll 6.30pm - Sunday Storm $11 6.30pm - Paddy freeroll 7pm = PP $1.10 $100 added 8pm - Pokercast $1.10 $500added 8.05pm - That is the set up for now will keep regular posts for Storm which gives Bart stake-back thanks to his very kind offer of putting me into it :notworthy

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Re: Where are you playing Sunday 23rd June

Last chance saloon for the WSOP on 888: Step 2 sat starting in a few minutes' date=' perhaps followed by Step 3 :hope and Step 4 :hope:hope .[/quote'] Missed qualifying in the Step 2 by seven places. Oh well, next year ...
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Re: Where are you playing Sunday 23rd June Storm Update : Got up to 6.5K but 2 hands have knocked me down to 3400 at 100/200 1. I see a flop 3 ways with 99 comes A9x BB checks , I Check , Button Checks turn is a Jack , I bet Button calls BB fold , River is a ten , A possible straight now but he had bluffed river several times before so decide check raise my set and he shows Q8off for straight. 2. I see 10 high flop 3 ways with K10 , board 10 high all clubs turn Ace 3 checks river King I check call he shows A9clubs

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Re: Where are you playing Sunday 23rd June Paddy freeroll 7pm = Lost big pot JJ > AK for top 5 stack , Shoved 13BB with Q6suited after UTG limped > then MP shoves over top with big stack K6off obvs , 200 paid I came 219th /1090 lol Talksport Freeroll - Lost ATs vs KQs , 88 > k7 & 44 river is King

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Re: Where are you playing Sunday 23rd June

gl Al & anyone still playing something :hope
Unlucky Dan' date=' but nothing ventured nothing gained, worth a shot :ok[/quote'] Not sure how it's possible for my 2nd post to appear before my first? (not that it matters), if only cards worked the same way and I could fold pre after seeing the flop ;) Or just if i could fold pre :lol (in before Samba)
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