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Bank Holiday Monday 6/5/13


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Re: Bank Holiday Monday 6/5/13 Nice hand here :) sitting on 26k now. #Game No : 12942071384 ***** Hand History for Game 12942071384 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $3 USD Buy-in Trny:82375439 Level:12 Blinds-Antes(300/600 -60) - Monday, May 06, 10:08:54 EDT 2013 Table Speed (3165259) Table #4 (Real Money) Seat 8 is the button Total number of players : 9/10 Seat 3: AZATOTH97 ( 1,690 ) Seat 7: Cs0nak0s ( 9,315 ) Seat 1: FoldingNuts88 ( 14,225 ) Seat 4: Vladimir1102 ( 8,290 ) Seat 10: howdouplay ( 2,170 ) Seat 6: kuzen99999 ( 7,065 ) Seat 2: linuxdk77 ( 21,238 ) Seat 5: petrovich2077 ( 9,660 ) Seat 8: wind83surfer ( 23,683 ) Trny:82375439 Level:12 Blinds-Antes(300/600 -60) FoldingNuts88 posts ante [60] linuxdk77 posts ante [60] AZATOTH97 posts ante [60] Vladimir1102 posts ante [60] petrovich2077 posts ante [60] kuzen99999 posts ante [60] Cs0nak0s posts ante [60] wind83surfer posts ante [60] howdouplay posts ante [60] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to FoldingNuts88 [ Ac Ah ] linuxdk77 calls [600] AZATOTH97 folds Vladimir1102 calls [600] petrovich2077 folds kuzen99999 folds Cs0nak0s folds wind83surfer calls [600] howdouplay will be using his time bank for this hand. howdouplay folds FoldingNuts88 will be using his time bank for this hand. FoldingNuts88 raises [2,300] linuxdk77 calls [2,300] Vladimir1102 calls [2,300] wind83surfer calls [2,300] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Qs, 5s, Jc ] FoldingNuts88 is all-In [11,265] linuxdk77 folds Vladimir1102 is all-In [5,330] wind83surfer folds ** Dealing Turn ** [ 5h ] ** Dealing River ** [ 2c ] FoldingNuts88 shows [ Ac, Ah ]two pairs, Aces and Fives. Vladimir1102 shows [ 9c, Qc ]two pairs, Queens and Fives. FoldingNuts88 wins 5,935 chips from the side pot 1 with two pairs, Aces and Fives. FoldingNuts88 wins 23,100 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Aces and Fives. Player Vladimir1102 finished in 28. Game #12942075614 starts.

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