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Samba Red Spade & MiniFTOPs staking request **Sold Out, let's go go go**


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Re: Samba Red Spade & MiniFTOPs staking request **Sold Out, let's go go go** Unlucky mate. Hope you dont take this the wrong way, but I'd look at adjusting some of your calling ranges. Depending on the stack size of the cut off shove and you've got KQ in the BB, this should be a call nearly all of the time with 8 bbs. Likewise with AQ from the UTG shove, with 10bb I dont think you can ever fold there. Just something to think about, but people are pushing far wider than what you're giving them credit for.

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Re: Samba Red Spade & MiniFTOPs staking request **Sold Out, let's go go go** Cheers mate, I was absolutely conflicted regarding those 2 folds, especially the AQ one. Definitely rued the fact afterwards that maybe I should have called. Sided with preservation and the opportunity to get my chips in first, rather than calling them off, but can certainly accept the opposite opinion for sure. Hard not to be results-oriented... if I had doubled with the AJ v 77, and went on to cash, I would have accepted my folds in those earlier situations as being absolutely correct. I didn't, so there's regrets about not calling earlier. Whereas had I called the AQ and lost to, say, 77 back then, I would have been rueing calling too. Poker :wall lol Next week :hope

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Re: Samba Red Spade & MiniFTOPs staking request **Sold Out, let's go go go** Yep, of course it's all player dependent, but all regs/winning players are going to be pushing really wide from the cutoff, button and SB as it's +cev to push almost any two cards with 8bb-12bb. KQ is nearly always going to have 40% equity at least in the spot you described if villain was pushing 8bb-12bb making it quite a clear call. It's really -ev to share this with even more people, but http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/23/small-stakes-mtt/updated-pushbot-spreadsheet-1000-post-thank-you-824728/ is a must to download. I really recommend people to have a play around with this but it will be a real eye opener and transform your game. There's an instruction manual as well on how to use it but it's really simple once you get the hang of it.

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Re: Samba Red Spade & MiniFTOPs staking request **Sold Out, let's go go go**

3 mins :ok just logging in now kids are in bed :hope for a biggie leggoooo
Says it's been running for 1hr 43 mins, so 6:15 kick off???????? Thought it was 8pm like last week's or I wouldn't have included it in the staking at all as I can't commit to starting a tournament at that time with having kids :$:$ Sorry all, I'll transfer back across to Stars and send the money back from whence it came. Just looking at FTOPS page again, and it does say 13:00 US time :$ I'm a ******* idiot, sorry all. Will have your money back with you asap
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Re: Samba Red Spade & MiniFTOPs staking request **Sold Out, let's go go go**

---------- danj2202 - 8 shares - 40% - $52 - RECEIVED tyvm :cheers ooblio - 4 shares - 20% - $26 - RECEIVED tyvm :cheers heniek - 4 shares - 20% - $26 - RECEIVED tyvm :cheers Bart - 4 shares - 20% - $26 - RECEIVED tyvm :cheers
$15 to Mark, Hen and Bart, and $30 to Dan winging it's way back. Apologies for the **** up, and thanks again for staking me in the 1st place. Stupid error I am well aware (the not being 100% on the start time - not staking me :p )
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