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Saturday Night Poker 13/4/13


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Re: Saturday Night Poker 13/4/13

last time i do anyone a favour ;) AK vs Rhino`s 9/9 i hit flush he rivers F/H lmao. good luck in next bit mate
Failed in the semis AL. Was heads up only again and took a 4k v 2k chip lead only for him to rebuy back to 4k. My AJd failed against 99 with loads of outs.
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Re: Saturday Night Poker 13/4/13 Played 3 MTT on Full Tilt : $3.30 KO : knocked out pretty quickly shoved 44 in BB for 12bigs after 5 limpers , UTG had 10 10. Then just bubbled 71st/638 , $1.10 rebuy late reg so just starting stack and add on for 10BB , get a couple hands to hold then with 5BB on bubble could fold and get $5.53 but wake up with AKsuited in middle position , UTG limped and I decide to shove he calls AQsuited and flop comes QJx and I can't catch up. Had been folding low pairs so felt pretty gutted the patience didn't get rewarded. Avg stack was only 12BB so thought had to maximize all value to get to big money up top.

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Re: Saturday Night Poker 13/4/13

ul Dan' date=' better luck next time :)[/quote'] thanks unfortunately I took the beat ended up wanting to chase loss and end up in a bigger hole losing every flip or even dominating hand in a heads up session losing $35 , onwards and upwards pretty downbeat on myself
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Re: Saturday Night Poker 13/4/13

thanks unfortunately I took the beat ended up wanting to chase loss and end up in a bigger hole losing every flip or even dominating hand in a heads up session losing $35 ' date=' onwards and upwards pretty downbeat on myself[/quote'] unlucky mate,i feel your pain
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Re: Saturday Night Poker 13/4/13

unlucky mate' date='i feel your pain[/quote'] thanks feel a bit like letting people down who have tried to gear me towards sticking to 1 game and I just let how non-poker life easily distract my focus and then take a brutal beating maybe its just reward for tilting but still hurts POKER GODS could you please cut me some slack lol :rollin
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