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Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day?


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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day?

OMG Sitting 11/11, 10th gets 705 Eur, then 9 packages. I have 19200 chips before posting the blinds, 800/1600/a110 I am in BB, it is folded to SB who pushes 37K I have AQo and of course call, he shows JTo and the flop comes KQA I know this is bound to happen once every 3 times, but :puke:puke
Sickener mate, chin up though will even itself out eventually :ok GL Das mate :hope
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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day? Damn, what happened DB? We were both looking good for a while yesterday.

Is AQ an auto-call in a satellite' date=' Fred? Unlucky the way it panned out, just wondering - obviously knowing other stack sizes makes a difference.[/quote'] Really good question. As pretty as it looks and as tempting it is to play it is obviously not an auto-call, but in this case after a few hours sleep I still can't see how I could have avoided playing it: O1dpPoI.jpg Stacks are more or less similar at the other table; I am bottom-stacked, and on the bubble it is my job to make a move especially as the 1st prize is relatively big (705 eur) - I can't rely on a mistake from someone else. With the overwhelming chip leader on my direct left I can't either steal freely, and the guy on my right won't ever give me a walk. I'm blinding down quickly, can't afford to wait another round or two IMO and I won't be getting it in much stronger than there. Also, just stealing the blinds won't make much of a difference - a double up there and I believe I more or less have my ticket to Portugal in the pocket. Very happy with the way I played in general, made two tough laydowns and came back both times. It's only that this was a cruel ending!! Fred
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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day? Stack sizes and blinds definitely make it look like more of a call :ok Both unlucky last night, DB got it in on flop with bottom 2 against an overpair, only for the turn to pair the board and counterfeit one of his pairs, and give villain a better 2 pair :sad

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Re: Ah begorrah! Where are ye playing on Paddy's Day? Out 7th. qf_730_ucg7e.pngUploaded at Picoodle.com Not the worst at all but a dream flop. I really need to work on my end game. From middle stages of the tournament I was chip leader and with 12 to go I couldn't see myself not finishing top 4. On the FT I didn't want to tangle with the other big stack who was on my right and to be honest I was guilty of letting him bully me a bit. When he wasn't in a pot I tried to use my stack against the rest but when I took a bit of a hit I tightened up and tried to coast home. The guy who eventually knocked me out had been short for a long time and as I had position I should have put more pressure on him and those around him but I thought they'd all knock each other out. Then I started to limp/call/fold and bled chips. Awful play. I've been trying for 3 years to qualify for the Irish Open. I think I'll just start saving from today and buy in next year :p

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