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what ya doing? 2/3/13


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Re: what ya doing? 2/3/13 Happy bday Al :cheers Played a couple of sats with no luck just left in the Saturday Splash on Stars 3032/6624/12854. Add on periods just ended so should start dropping like flies now! Going out after this so GL everyone for tonight!

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Re: what ya doing? 2/3/13 Al is......................... a year older :p 'Av a gud 'un matey :beer Been doing garden today, so knackered, and Ant and Dec's Saturday night takeaway is the business, so watching, then might play a bit later ? GL People :hope

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Re: what ya doing? 2/3/13 Happy Birthday Al :cheers Supposed to be going to a friend's birthday bash at their £1 MILLION HOUSE (as we've been told on numerous occasions) but not feeling too great so may miss it. Doubt I'll play any poker even if I stay in.

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Re: what ya doing? 2/3/13 Happy Birthday Al.:cheers Played the talksport freeroll but was 45 minutes late. Still puzzled how I'd only lost just over 100 chips in that time. :unsure Suppose I must have been on a table full of sitouts? Final hand shortly before the money positions I had AA v KK v AK v KQ. Guess which won. :lol

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