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cash hand - how would you have played it?


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Re: cash hand - how would you have played it? Preflop. I would have raised to 90c. I really don't mind a fold pf, and the 40c raise invites all sorts of rubbish to call with position. On the flop. I would have lead out on the flop too, but if I elected to check raise, my raise would have been much bigger, between $2 and $2.50. If he's got a draw make him pay to see the next card. On the turn. I would never give a free card here. if he has the flush draw he will likely check behind, so you are losing value (he's folding if the river isn't a heart). IF I did, for some reason, check raise here, it would be all-in. No question. I don't want a difficult decision on the river if it comes a heart. You're doubling him up whatever you do. Ul

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Re: cash hand - how would you have played it?

You couldn't have done anything different Alan. Just be thankful you weren't both playing much larger stacks :)
Bet Flop...:) you says absolutely right if they both play on large stack then both will reaction after the bet like this --------->>> :wall Am I right???
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Re: cash hand - how would you have played it? raise to 0.90c pre flop lead flop for around 40-60% pot if he raises go ahead and try and get stacks in on flop if he flats calls try and bet an amount on the turn which will set up a reasonable river shove if you bet really small on the turn and he just flat calls again you may have to over bet river shove which may look suspect ps clearly hear the money is going in every single time anyway just a huge cooler ul

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