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Teaulc`s Ninja II Stake Request - March 4th - 10th 2013 / 6 Tournaments SOLD OUT


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  • Name: Alan Steer
  • Stake Requested: $136.50
  • Event/Tournament: 6 tournaments in total on BlackBelt Poker
  • Offer: 1:1 of any winnings = 1 share worth 1%
  • Date of Event/Tournaments: Begins 4th March - Ends 10th March

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Alan Steer agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Ninja #1 = $10 + $1 NLH Freezeout Ninja #2 = $25 + $2.50 6-max NLH Freezeout, (i won this last time) Ninja #3 = $15 + $1 Deepstack Freezeout Ninja #4 = $7.50 + $2.50 + $1 NLH KNOCKOUT Ninja #5 = $5.50 PLOmaha ( 1 R/A ) Ninja #6 = $50 + $5 NLH Freezeout Moneybookers my preferred or transfer on BlackBelt Poker (will accept bank transfer) myself = 50% $68.25 BurnleyJoe = 10% $13.65 Hebert = 10% $13.65 paid ty Fear_Me = 30% $40.95 paid ty winnings = $42

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Re: Teaulc`s Ninja II Stake Request - March 4th - 10th 2013 / 6 Tournaments SOLD OU

was i wrong to call to river?
Assuming it is ok to butt in with my opinion, if not - apologies. I like talking strategy, and there's not much gets done on here anymore :ok Ignoring the actual outcome of the hand, I'd still say it was wrong to make the call. Whilst I wouldn't have put him on 75 (or anything close to that), given the way the action went what did you think he was doing that with that you would have beaten with top pair 2nd kicker? He min raised pre, called your leadout bet on the flop, reraised you on the turn, and reraised all in on the river. With your call pre- and then leading out on flop, I'd put you on AT, KT, KQ, QJ, 22-55, 77 (I think you raise pre- with AQ, QT, 88, 99, JJ, and think you check to him on flop with AA, KK, QQ, TT, 66) The way his betting has gone I am putting him (wrongly, admittedly) on AA, KK, QQ, TT, 66 as early as the turn. I think the pot's gotten too inflated unnecessarily by leading out on every street with no clue of where you were in the hand. What range did you put him on and why? Obviously previous at the table has a bearing on the reading of a hand and I don't have the benefit of that, so you may have had reason to see it differently. I don't really like the call of his reraise on the turn - if you think he is at it, then put him to the test with a 3bet of about 1150. If he comes over the top, it's time to concede he has you beaten and fold (and saved yourself 2200). If he folds, you were right, you've profited. If you're not sure, then fold, no point putting more chips in the pot then still having another difficult decision on the river as well. Enough rambling anyway :$
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Re: Teaulc`s Ninja II Stake Request - March 4th - 10th 2013 / 6 Tournaments SOLD OU Cracking hand to discuss. It's a very draw heavy flop with none of them complete by showdown. So it is a difficult choice to call or fold. You should really have checked the river I suppose easy to fold to a 3k bet then or call a smaller bet, but then again.................................There could be a million "then agains" and "I suppose's" if we went into this hand in detail. It would be more interesting to get the villains views on Al rather then Al's view of the villain.( don't take that the wrong way Al) Is he assuming Al will fold if any of the draws hit and he can rep them, or if they miss he can get Al of the hand with a shove anyway. Win Win situation. Always like to sharkscope people who take strange lines and they always turn out winners or massive losers this guy has an R.O.I of 50% over 200 tournies so He must be half decent. Pete, if he plays the 7/5 of hearts he probably plays the 7/5 of clubs too;)

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Re: Teaulc`s Ninja II Stake Request - March 4th - 10th 2013 / 6 Tournaments SOLD OU Marginal hand out of position let it go. You played the hand passively pre so why lead out? I'd check call the flop and turn and evaluate on the river.

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