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WSOP.com Season opener - Rendezvous Casino Brighton Feb.2/3 £220 buy in


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Re: WSOP.com Season opener - Rendezvous Casino Brighton Feb.2/3 £220 buy in Hi Bart - thanks for the "good luck" but the big pot was my exit hand - I was in about 20th of 57 left but against the "any 2 cards" chip leader - he raised 4xBB from early position which I called on BB with KJ to hit 2 pair. I checked, he bet, I raised, he went all in and I was pot committed so called knowing 9 times out of 10 I would be behind to trips but with him he could have anything. He had 2D4D and had a flush draw which he hit on the turn and I needed a miracle K or J on the river which never came. No diamond and I would have moved up to top 5. Andy

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