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How do you handle a brutal session.


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I haven't played poker for about 4/5 months but thought I would have a bit of fun over the xmas holidays. Put $250 dollars is pokerstars and built it up to $400 dollars 4 tabling on ZOOM playing full ring (started at $10nl now playing $25nl). I played for about 50mins this morning (about 850 hands). and lost 11 buy in's in the following ways. All in pre with AA beat by KK and AKSuited twice. 4 sets on flop all 2nd pair money all in on flop. Up against top set. 2 all in on flop when I have AK suited with gutshot and flush draw. Never hit. 2 all in on flop when I have top set against flush draw and lost. 2 all in on flop with top set against over pair and over pair hit. Not all hands were against full stacks. Loss of around $225 dollars and I didnt do anything wrong. I feel like packing the hole thing in again. I really struggle to handle sessions like this. Any advice?

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Sorry if it seems abrupt mate but when you're around people who play a lot of poker you continuously here the same stories time and time again and they really are meaningless. Poker is a game where a huge amount of luck is involved and you can do everything right and still lose the clothes off your back, hence why its so popular the worst players can still win.

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Re: How do you handle a brutal session. Thats cool mate. I went to the gym and lifted some weights to work off the frustration. I've been playing poker for about 10 years but keep taking time off due to sessions like that. Not sure if its the game for me as sessions like that really do my head in. I also bet on football and horses and the losses seem to be easier to take for me. Cheers for answering

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Re: How do you handle a brutal session. There is a book by a sports psychologist called "The Mental Game of Poker" by Jared Tendler that deals with this. It's a good read and I recommend it. You have to understand that coolers and suck outs happen in poker. If I'm having a bad session I tend to sign off, even if I'd planned to play longer. Sometimes you can be tilting and not realise it. Rush/Zoom Poker is pretty wild, so expect big variance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: How do you handle a brutal session. The whole problem is bankroll, discipline and bankroll management. To lose 225 of your 400 bankroll is 56% gone in one session which is crazy. To play seriously, you need to have a bankroll where one session hardly makes a dent. When you have that you are mentally more calm and settled. so you really need a bankroll of 3k or so. Have a loss limit, ie you lose 2-3 buyins and its time to leave. 2-3 buyins can be won back in 1 decent session, 8 buy ins kill you. Realize a few things..... 1) Your head is f__ked . 2) You are running bad. 3) Your opponents know 1) and 2).

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  • 1 month later...

Re: How do you handle a brutal session. yeah can be really hard dealing with sick downswing sessions, i think you just go to make sure your in the right mindset when playing e.g not tired or angry because if you play in the right mindset and start running terrible you should know when to leave but if your tilted or tired then you will prob just try chasing losses or go broke.

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