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Capital One Cup > Leeds United v Chelsea > 19th Dec


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Re: Capital One Cup > Leeds United v Chelsea > 19th Dec

Thats right..And so you think im not telling the truth, I will happily send my last 3 months statement of betfair to any independent body. FYI I co ran a succesfull property business from 1998-2004(at which point i was bought out) by the other co founders. I am now retired, altho put alot of work into my family, and any needy charities for kids on merseyside(mostly sport), I have a betting bank, plus 100% cover. In this calendar year I have lost 13k on Horseracing, and won 48k on other sports(football cricket), so if you laugh and think im either mad,lying or living in another world*or all)..I could not care less. My betting bank is my betting bank, all other week/week expenses is covered by other means. My mrs dont ask me any questions, I have no pressure on myself, Life is for living, I have more years behind than in front, and im going to enjoy them, whats left...As i have said before, Racing in the most will take a back seat after the xmas meetings....Im sick of all the cloak n dagger stuff....Plus its lost its fun in many areas....And Eddie Ahearn,,,Ive been waiting for that toe rag for years to be caught... Below is a copy of the game plan. If leeds score, Lay leeds to cover stake If chelsea score before 35 mins, go over 2.5 n 3.5 to cover stakes. If no goals at half time, Cover over 2.5 in the game for stakes. Trade out for a loss 80 if you have to on the above. I actually only won, 7300 after comm. If anyone is betting on football, have a get out plan. The time frame is there, Dont wait, Ive doing it for years... And do it yourself, dont be skimmed by the exchanges or william hill now with their cash out program. GL all
Fair play to you for coming back with a sensible post, you have to understand when money gets discussed on here it has the habit of becoming a bit daft with people chucking all sorts of figures about, thats why it is discouraged, and posters will always take the pis* if you write big amounts down because the general assumption will be that you are lying! People have picked up on your points system because almost everyone on here works between 1-10 or 1-20 possibly, and your standard bet seems to be about 50 points :lol, if you are going to continue betting this amount of points rather than smaller amounts perhaps you could change from 30 quid a point to 300 (or whatever), then it will look more sensible and people won't comment on it. GL, hope you stick around..
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Re: Capital One Cup > Leeds United v Chelsea > 19th Dec

Rio that's the single most interesting post I've read on this site. Bravo sir...
Yes, being new to this site and relatively wet behind the ears when it comes to sports gambling this is interesting reading. Understand why we should leave £ out of discussion but this stuff applies more when the stakes are heavier, so the reference point is good. Never thought about planning my get outs pre game. In fact i normally only think of hedging winnings rather than to avoid a loss - probably because i am not playing big stakes. For long term profit though, regardless of stake, i think i need a bit more of this thinking! Anyway, good call on Leeds HT, better than my speculative punt on the card index !
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