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Lickle Weekender (12th - 14th Oct)


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Name: Samba_SamPa on PL, nortzledg on Stars, SambaPL on >Paddy Power Stake Requested: $44 @ 10 x $4.40 shares Event/Tournament: Paddy Fantastic Friday, Paddy Freddie Mays Bounty, Stars Sunday Storm, Stars Bigger 10 Offer: Stakeback plus 50% of profits Date of Events: Start Fri 12th Oct 2012.. End Sun 14th Oct 2012 Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Peter Norton agree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. **Sorry for the bold writing, it wouldn't 'turn off** Short notice, I realise, but maybe you're PLing it up in Derby and want a little of your bankroll to get some exercise over the weekend :) I propose to play the Freddie Mays Bounty and the Fantastic Friday on Paddy next Fri (12th), plus the Sunday Storm and the Big 10 on Stars on the Sunday (14th) - all 4 are $11 tournaments, so total amount asked for is $44. Stake back in full first, then split any profits down t'middle. xfers on Stars to nortzledg Thanks for reading :cheers ---------- Rivrd - 100% - $44 - received, tyvm :ok ---------- Freddie Mays Bounty - 8th of 50 - no cash Fantastic Paddy Fri - 117th of 219 - no cash Sunday Storm - Sunday Big 10 -

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Re: Lickle Weekender (12th - 14th Oct) Received, got it from him on Stars when he got in after 7 - so will play the Paddys on Friday on the Stars on Sunday. Good luck us :cheers [TABLE=class: cf gJ]

[TR=class: acZ] [TD=class: gH, align: right] 19:17 (2 hours ago)


[/TD] [TD=class: gH, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: gH acX, align: right]

cleardot.gif cleardot.gif

[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: acZ xD] [TD=colspan: 3][TABLE=class: cf adz, width: 582]

[TR] [TD=class: ady] to me cleardot.gif [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Hello nortzledg, We have transferred USD 44.00 to your account as requested by 'FrontlineGuy'.
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Re: Lickle Weekender (12th - 14th Oct) never going in the Fantastic - finished 117th of 214. 7 paid in the Bounty, I bubbled in 8th. Was 6th of 8, then short stack doubled, then new short stack doubled, then I am at risk as short stack with AJd against 77... a King, a Queen, a Nine hit the board, but nothing to double me up!! To Sunday..... :sad

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Re: Lickle Weekender (12th - 14th Oct) I fear your interest isn't going to last much longer :( Out the Bigger in 9772nd - JJ into AA, T-high flop, then Q on turn and T on river nothing of help On life support in Storm - have had QQ, JJ, TT and 99, and not won a single pot. 10 BBs and a chair.... :hope :hope

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