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Stan James Weekly Grand


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Re: ** Poker Diary Weekdays 17th-21st Sept **

I won a tourney on SJ tonight. Only found it minutes before the start, so did manage to post. It's called The Weekly Grand. 1k GTD $11 and had only 40ish players. Just to keep an eyeon, as it might be there next Thursday.
There is one in the lobby on 24th.
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Re: Stan James Weekly Grand Will put in diary for a few weeks and see how the overlay does. :ok [TABLE=width: 100%]

[TR] [TD=bgcolor: white][h=2]Exclusive to StanJames.com Poker.[/h] [TABLE] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR=class: sub1] [TD]Tournament name [/TD] [TD]The Weekly Grand [/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: sub2] [TD]Guaranteed Prize Pool [/TD] [TD]$1,000 [/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: sub1] [TD]Tournament location [/TD] [TD]Scheduled tournaments/ Special Lobby [/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: sub2] [TD]When? [/TD] [TD]Thursdays [/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: sub1] [TD]Time [/TD] [TD]19:15 UK Time * 1 hour late registration available.[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: sub2] [TD]Buy In [/TD] [TD]$10 or 1000 Loyalty Points[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: sub1] [TD]Structure [/TD] [TD]No Limit Hold'em Freezeout [/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: sub2] [TD]Blinds [/TD] [TD]12 Minutes [/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: sub1] [TD]Starting chips [/TD] [TD]3000 [/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: sub2] [TD]Extra Chips [/TD] [TD]500 for registering early [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Normal MTT rules apply. [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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Re: ** Poker Diary Weekdays 17th-21st Sept **

donked yet again by bingo players' date='good luck those still in[/quote'] Bingo you say , you should have seen how my AK off fared when i called OOBLIO's all in with A7 off, FIRST hand of the tourney ...obviously he flopped a 7 ...seriously who the hell goes all all in with A7 off 1st hand of a tourney? ..total muppetry !
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Re: ** Poker Diary Weekdays 17th-21st Sept **

Bingo you say ' date=' you should have seen how my AK off fared when i called OOBLIO's all in with A7 off, FIRST hand of the tourney ...obviously he flopped a 7 ...seriously who the hell goes all all in with A7 off 1st hand of a tourney? ..total muppetry ![/quote'] i agree this play could be deemed a bit of a weird line to take but to be fair to oobs he does play tons of multiple games online and to judge someone as a muppet based on just one hand is harsh im sure he has his reasons thou unlucky dobie ps i did cash in this came 5th for 80 dollers so im happy
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Re: Stan James Weekly Grand yes you can call it it bingo but you have to understand that it is a cheap game of bingo at the start of a mtt when people are deep or later when people are stacked - they have every right to play bingo in some cases as they know they will stack you if they hit the flop hard.............granted this is not an advisable startegy to play when you have a low M or when you are calling large all in shoves which equate to a large % of your stack (i.e ooblios call). I used to be a very tight ABC player but now as I multi-table several low stakes MTTs i would much prefer to play cheap bingo for a round or two - either to get a stack or go out - than waste three hours grinding a nano stack to hang in for a min cash. This is only my personal view but i can def say that i am winning more or certainly on an average night get a much better ROI and higher cash when i do cash in a mtt rather than a large volume of min-cashes which in the long run are really not what i play for especailly as it is low stakes. So i guess we can all moan about these players but i think you have to understand why they do it. Yes - there is also soem that are just plain bad too. The point is that this is poker and if you think you have an edge or are better than most then you shoudl accept this, adjust your strategy to deal with it and accept due to variance etc... that you will sometimes lose when you have the best hand. In ooblios defnece - there is a high chance he had the option of several other games in 32red (same network as SJ) so maybe he wnated to either doubel up or leave so he could go play those juicy games.....

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Re: Stan James Weekly Grand

yes you can call it it bingo but you have to understand that it is a cheap game of bingo at the start of a mtt when people are deep or later when people are stacked - they have every right to play bingo in some cases as they know they will stack you if they hit the flop hard.............granted this is not an advisable startegy to play when you have a low M or when you are calling large all in shoves which equate to a large % of your stack (i.e ooblios call). I used to be a very tight ABC player but now as I multi-table several low stakes MTTs i would much prefer to play cheap bingo for a round or two - either to get a stack or go out - than waste three hours grinding a nano stack to hang in for a min cash. This is only my personal view but i can def say that i am winning more or certainly on an average night get a much better ROI and higher cash when i do cash in a mtt rather than a large volume of min-cashes which in the long run are really not what i play for especailly as it is low stakes. So i guess we can all moan about these players but i think you have to understand why they do it. Yes - there is also soem that are just plain bad too. The point is that this is poker and if you think you have an edge or are better than most then you shoudl accept this, adjust your strategy to deal with it and accept due to variance etc... that you will sometimes lose when you have the best hand. In ooblios defnece - there is a high chance he had the option of several other games in 32red (same network as SJ) so maybe he wnated to either doubel up or leave so he could go play those juicy games.....
well thanks for instructing me on the finer points of poker strategy , dont know why i didnt think of any of that after only 15 years of playing the game !.....p.s sarcasm fully intended
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Re: ** Poker Diary Weekdays 17th-21st Sept **

i agree this play could be deemed a bit of a weird line to take but to be fair to oobs he does play tons of multiple games online and to judge someone as a muppet based on just one hand is harsh im sure he has his reasons thou unlucky dobie ps i did cash in this came 5th for 80 dollers so im happy
I didnt say the guy was a muppet , i said that HAND was muppetry , and it is
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Re: Stan James Weekly Grand look i am not instructing anyone merely showing a different viewpoint...........and that i can see why........i dont know how long you have been playing nor do i care or it matters i was mainly just trying to politely say that there may be possible reasons why people play in such a crazy fashion...........

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Re: Stan James Weekly Grand

look i am not instructing anyone merely showing a different viewpoint...........and that i can see why........i dont know how long you have been playing nor do i care or it matters i was mainly just trying to politely say that there may be possible reasons why people play in such a crazy fashion...........
and im sure all those who dont know much about poker will be eternally grateful ...this grandfather though already knows how to suck eggs :p
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Re: Stan James Weekly Grand

seems to be a regular overlay for this' date=' not sure how long SJ will be keep it going[/quote'] How long did they run that monthly 8k with like 5k overlay each month (and often qualifiers to it where they gave away tickets for 8k or the qualifiers itself had an overlay) Think Stan James has deep enough pockets. Thank you SJ!
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Re: ** Poker Diary Weekdays 17th-21st Sept **

Just lmao when I busted a guy, who went crazy in the chat about bingoplayer this and that, when he had KJo and opened and he called my 3bet PF (I had KQ on button). Flop comes JTx rainbow. He donkbets OOP in a 3betpot (lol) I raise his donkbet saying I can't never fold and I rep basically a real good hand there. He pushes allin over my raise for not much more(think about 6-1 on my money). I have to call with my openender and overcards. Turn blank and river 9.
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Re: ** Poker Diary Weekdays 17th-21st Sept ** you mean this hand then, where you got caught out and rivered the straight. ** Game ID 4668240665 Version:3 starting - 2012-12-06 19:45:41 ** The Weekly Grand[7781343]:Table 2 [7781343] [Multi Table Hold'em] (20|40 NL - MTTseats:10 ) Real Money - coolhanal sitting in seat 1 with 1325.00 at end 1325.00 - Fatfingers sitting in seat 2 with 1745.00 at end 1745.00 - SgtPALICA sitting in seat 3 with 3545.00 at end 3545.00 - 2012MayaEnd sitting in seat 4 with 6530.00 at end 10355.00 [Dealer] - Poolio sitting in seat 5 with 3555.00 at end 3535.00 - uskebasi31 sitting in seat 6 with 4545.00 at end 4505.00 - teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 8 with 3765.00 at end 0.00 - CrAzY29ultra sitting in seat 9 with 4490.00 at end 4490.00 Poolio posted the small blind - 20.00 uskebasi31 posted the big blind - 40.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcsg1: J of h, K of h teaulcsg1 raised - 120.00 CrAzY29ultra folded coolhanal folded Fatfingers folded SgtPALICA folded 2012MayaEnd raised - 320.00 Poolio folded uskebasi31 folded teaulcsg1 called - 200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 10 of c, 2 of h, J of d teaulcsg1 bet - 700.00 2012MayaEnd raised - 1740.00 teaulcsg1 went all-in - 2745.00 2012MayaEnd called - 1705.00 2012MayaEnd shows: K of s, Q of h teaulcsg1 shows: J of h, K of h ** Dealing the turn: 2 of d ** Dealing the river: 9 of h 2012MayaEnd wins 7590.00 from the main pot End of game 4668240665

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