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European Championship 2012 (20-23 Sept)

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Re: European Championship 2012 (20-23 Sept) Tournament preview: 1pt ew S.Whitlock to win European Championship 16/1 Bet365 (1/2 1-2) Simon Whitlock won his first title in over a year at the weekend. He beat Andy Hamilton in the final and had averages during the event in the 100-107 range which is good darts. Why Whitlock hasn’t won more in his career is a mystery. I suspect it might be the pressure the crowds in the UK put him under but he won’t get that in Germany and that could benefit him. Whitlock was a semi finalist last year before he ran into a rampant Taylor but given that he avoids Taylor until the final and comes into the tournament clearly in good nick I’ll take the Wizard of Oz to have a London bus approach to winning titles with a second coming along straight after the first. Full preview here: http://www.punterslounge.com/european-championship-betting-simon-whitlock-can-make-it-back-to-back-wins-by-winning-in-muelheim

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