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Therigdoctors poker challenge


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For some time now iv been trying to build a bankroll from nothing. When i first started playing online poker on full tilt i made a couple of £20 deposits and lost it all fairly quickly so from then i decided if i was to play poker i would have to do it the hard way and start from $0. And when playing on full tilt i had a bit of success in the freerolls i finished second in one of the $150 freerolls and got staked by a regular forum member to play the super turbo satellites to the BLT which had strict guidelines to playing and i finished his top player and got my self a little bankroll to strat with but it didn't last me long and soon after it got shut down which i was a little gutted about as i really enjoyed playing on there and enjoyed hanging there forum where i must admit i learnt a lot from the players that posted on there. So with full tilt being shut down i had to look for a new site and came across 888 which offered a free $8 for new players and i had a lot of good tournament wins and my balance peaked at over $500 but stupidly on my part i blew a lot of it on roulette one night and despite my best efforts to rebuild my bankroll i ended up going broke. So i took a break from poker for a short while and looked for a new site with good freerolls to play so i'm now playing on 24hpoker where it didnt take me long to win a freeroll and i'v tried looking for the best way to make money and have been playing the 40 man sit'n'go's and have been winning some days more than others and when i have a good day i take a pop at one of the bigger mtt's and also playing the wild west tournaments but the structure to these tournaments is very challenging. The buy in is 25c but with unlimited rebuys so you find that the players with big bankrolls just buy a massive stack and then go onto bully the shorties like me but iv had a couple of deep runs and cashed twice so i know i can go on to at least make the final table if not win one. I will post maybe every day to how my challenge is going and hope you enjoy reading about my ups and downs and highs and lows.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Wish you all the best with your challenge Therigdoctor, will follow your progress with interest. Have done a couple of similar challenges myself in recent years so if I can help with anything, sharing of experiences, suggestions etc, just shout. Good luck :hope Bart

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge They were for very different reasons tbh. First one was a Steps stt sng challenge. Found a few $ remaining on my old UB account (before they stole the rest lol) and as too small to be worth withdrawing I decided to try spinning them up whilst at the same time blogging progress for a forum I used to help out on. Wouldn't be fair to link to the other forum on here, but happy to copy/paste some bits of my progress and thoughts over to you if you're interested. To cut a long story short, Managed to turn approx $11 (from memory, maybe it was $14) into a $800 Step 9 ticket, having started on step 1's ($0.11 entries). Sadly I couldn't quite make the final Step 10 (with a $15k wsop package up for grabs), busting out on the second attempt at Step 9 after a brief fall back to Step 8. So net loss overall but really enjoyed the challenge and it was never really about the $ or even the wsop ticket, mainly posted as an interest point for others and to also build on my discipline more. Started something similar on Full Tilt, but it didn't really get going due to lack of available time. More recent one was recorded on here in PL, again mainly to keep myself disciplined and not to leak/donk too much. I managed to bink $400 from a $1 tourney recently, but I'm still only playing micro-mtts (up to $2.20) using a conservative BRM of approx 200BI due to personal circumstances. Been retired off early due to ill-health so understandably I'm being very careful with money. I've also had a losing streak of 20 mtt's recently too, so you have to take the rough with the smooth, not all plain sailing. If i were to suggest some advice it would be along the lines of:

  • Pick a format (be it Cash, Sng's, Mtt's etc) that you enjoy and feel confident at, don't be tempted into playing something you're not so good at, or roulette obviously where you can't have any edge.
  • Only play when you feel up to it, don't feel you have to play every day or a specific time to keep volume up, do it at your own pace and don't be afraid to take a break.
  • Try not to focus on the $, but set yourself achievable non-$ targets. e.g. I will try to cash in x% of games, I will fold AT in bad situations when up against strength, I'll read x number of strategy guides/books etc. If you focus on your play, the results should follow.

Hope you don't mind me posting that, of course you can play however you like, just think about what you want to achieve and don't be afraid of asking others for opinions, you'll always find other members willing to help each other with thoughts, suggestions etc.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge I know what your saying about discipline its something i really need to apply to my poker and not gamble on anything but poker. i was rolling well on this site up to over $50 but with york two weeks ago got tempted to do a few bets which started well but ended up blowing most of my hard earned bankroll but i still have left after tonight $12.69 but its not all doom and gloom i was down to my last $1 on 888 and managed to get that to over $500 so im still in with a shout. I kmow what my goal is and thats just to play poker and enjoy it im not risking my own money and i never will as long as there are freerolls. Now with the 200BI your doing would you take a shot at a bigger tournament if you had a good day? personally i would use between 50 and 100BI system playing more along 100 buy in but if i had a good day or the temptation to play a bigger tourny i would drop to fifty but if it went wrong and lost a couple i would go straight back to my 100BI's and not play a bigger tourney till i was back over 100BI's.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Well today iv played two 40 man s'n'g's first one i had A2d on the BB raised the pot got a caller and flop came with 2 diamonds with a king so i make a big bet he shoves i call he turns over K rag no diamond comes he doubles up im left with 220 chips not good but still in it. So instead of shoving any two i wait for an A so not long i get my A6os shove get 2 callers hit my ace and treble up so im back in the game the blinds are still low and another double up soon after and im getting a good feeling about this game im soon up to 4000+ chips and notice the big stack at the table is shoving alot anyway i get Akos raise the pot he calls in the bb i hit the flop with A and K i make a small raise he shoves insta call he shows A9 easy double up im now chip leader and thats how it stayed. I love it when you almost bust out but you hold on build your stack back up and go on to win it makes the whole thing feel like you have really achieved something. The other one not so good but after the first magical win who cares my bankroll is now standing at a mahoosive £21.34 and iv bought into the wild west $4000 for 25c so wish me luck and il post how i get on soon.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Nice one mate. Well i just busted out of the wild west got AJos two limpers so i shove my stack all of around 650 both call one of the big stacks has a QJ hit two pair so i rebuy for 1000 chips get A10os shove it in 4 callers one hits a flush game over maybe tonight i will have better fortune. It really is a crazy tournament with the unlimited rebuys makes for some really loose play but if you get lucky early on you can get a big stack in just a few hands.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Well after yesterdays early success i went on to lose a couple so i called it quits for the day and went to my mates for a few beers. And this morning i played a sit'n'go but lost so took a break and decided to play $4,000 WILD WEST tournament and so far things are going well iv got 50,000 chips and a deep run is on the cards i just hope i can make the most of this chance im sure a visit to the final table wont be to far away.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge I was a bit naughty on saturday i had $3 bet on the horses and lost and played a couple of sit'n'go's but with no success and didn't do anything in the wild west tournaments that i played. And on sunday the wild west at 9:30 i was pretty much card dead and didn't make any progress at all but after that i played a sit'n'go which i won so today my bankroll is back to $20 so im going to play the wild west which starts in a min and i'l play a couple sit'n'gos this afternoon so will post later on with how i got on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Not posted for a while because i got a bit paranoid that i had cursed myself by doing this thread but the thing is im not really that superstitious, Anyway things were going tits up just couldn't seem to get things going don't know if i wasn't playing my best but last night i was down to my last $1 and i played an absolute blinder. Made it to the final table with a healthy stack made one bad call and almost crippled myself i had AQc i did a min raise BB called wasn't a scary board but he had called with 9-6h flop was 8 6 8 he shoved his short stack so i felt inclined to call with two overs but i lost but i gathered my self and and thought if i play right i could still win with an average stack chip an a chair an all that lol. So a couple of the big stacks clashed and ended up with one mega stack of around 40,000 chips to my meagre stack of 4,000 but i had a pretty tight image so i looked for spots to shove to steal the blinds and survive. The big stck was playing his role being the bully putting pressure on at every chance but with a sneaky check raise to get him pot committed i doubled up through him only to lose it to the small stack and give him the double up he needed but he didn't use it to his advantage so it was time to shift gears and shove any two decent cards and nick the blinds but still be cautious of the big stack to my right but i used my position well managed to get back in to second place. Then i get AJ on the button easy shove got it in and they they both call with pocket pairs i think small stack had 33 big stack had 77 flop Jack hits i almost treble up and im in with a right shout now im heads up and i have a stack to work with one double up an im chip leader but the big stack wont give it up easy or so i thought he was shoving almost every hand so obviously he was shoving light so for me its an easy game just wait for an ace or any decent hand i get KQ off im thinking do it now go on shove it and the poker gods answered my prayers he shoves K3 thats it dominated double up now im big stack iv got him right where i want him he continues to shove i get an ace easy call cant remember what he had but i won easy game i'm now back rolling again. I was so close to losing and going back to freerolls but i hung on in there and i pulled it off i think those kind of wins are the best ones :nana

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Well things haven't gone well i'v got 29c left enough to buy into the wild west tomorrow but im not holding out much hope, So with my roll all but gone i'v been thinking that its time to find a new site and start a new challenge. The site i was playing on has recently changed to a new network and the freeroll prize totals have crashed the main one at 6pm has gone from $500 to just $100 so its really not worth trying to start again so time to move on. With thinking about which site to start my new challenge on i looked at grosvenor site advertised on the forum had a read then downloaded the client and had a look round and could of found my new challenge on the first look. There is 3-2-1 10 man sit n gos winner gets 3c second 2c and third gets 1c they are capped at 25 games per day and there are also tournaments to live tournaments which is also another challenge to go at. Also read today that full tilt could be on its way back i hope it is the same as when it got shut down i loved playing there 7500 runner freerolls so hope they are the same and the forum. With looking for a new poker site with good freerolls does anyone have any recommendations that i should have a look at?

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Well i signed up for grosvenor yesterday and must say im very impressed with the site so far as it offers that something different to playing big MTT's for freerolls although it will be a bit of grind to get going there are some small buy in tournaments for me to give a shot at. Yesterday i played 5 of the 10 man freerolls cashed in 4 for a whopping 8c but its a start, I think the way i'm going to approach playing on this site is to play as many of these 10man freerolls as i can a day and when iv built up $1.10 then play the 180 man sit n gos that will give me ten shots and if i fail i can start over.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge I'm looking for a bit of advice on how i should approach this new site, Having played for a couple of days and had a good look round there seems to be few options to get a roll going but i want to pick one and stick to it. Now no matter what i have to start with the 10 man freerolls but its the next step i'm unsure of which to take. There are 11c 180 man turbo sit n go's winner gets $4.92 make it to the top 20 for 21c so if i save $1.10 i can play ten and then review And there are the steps now these look interesting to me step 1 16c buy in 1st and second get a step 2 ticket 3rd and 4th get step 1 ticket and 5th gets 8c. but its the later steps that are interesting me the final step 7 if you finish in 6-7th place win $30 so my thinking is to build up my bankroll to $1.60 and i can play 10 steps ones and see how many step 2 tickets i can get then start again, And once i have 10 step 2 tickets i can start on step 3 and so on Or there are a lot of satellites to bigger tournaments for small buy ins i could try and satty my way through to a big guarantee tournament and hopefully get a big payout. Any input or ideas would be welcomed and with over 600 views im hoping some of you have something to say

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Dont know your financial position but I always feel starting of with nothing is a real waste of time. You will learn nothing in the freerolls and next to nothing in 10 cent tourneys. If I was you I would deposit £10 into Paddy Power and try and build up a roll playing their freerolls and pantsdown series, assuming you are ok with the times of the games. Starting out you really need to be playing games with a decent overlay.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge

Dont know your financial position but I always feel starting of with nothing is a real waste of time. You will learn nothing in the freerolls and next to nothing in 10 cent tourneys. If I was you I would deposit £10 into Paddy Power and try and build up a roll playing their freerolls and pantsdown series, assuming you are ok with the times of the games. Starting out you really need to be playing games with a decent overlay.
Thanks for the reply I'm not so skint that i cant afford to deposit its that i don't want to And i have to disagree with you about freeroll tournaments as that is where i have learnt how to play tournament poker putting what i had read and learnt on forums into practice. And i went from freerolls on full tilt to 888 for my free $8 and turned that into a healthy bankroll with almost going broke a couple of times it was only through my own stupid ways that i lost a huge part of my bankroll and eventually went bust and i still regret it to this day. And you say there is nothing to learn from freerolls or 10c tourney i think there is a huge lesson you can learn from a challenge like this and that is discipline and its a lesson i need to learn the hard way Waste of time maybe! Do i have time to waste? Yes plenty Who knows i might i give in to my challange and make a deposit but for now its on and i aint quitting any time soon
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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Ok back after briefly distracted by a phone call & losing connection. Wall of text warning.... Would emphasise I'm not a coach, any thoughts provided are purely subjective & based on my own experiences over many years. Other members here are far better players than myself and may have different views. Listen/seek views from lots of different people, although appreciate the forum is a little quiet at the moment, others will find your thread eventually, keep the faith and keep an open mind! First off a compliment or two: You've been final tabling and have built up a bankroll before so you're obviously doing something right. You have an idea of what you want to achieve and perhaps most importantly you're thinking through/analysing hand situations both during and post game. = Quality, keep this up. :ok Next up some tough love:

i blew a lot of it on roulette one night
I was a bit naughty on saturday i had $3 bet on the horses
but with york two weeks ago got tempted to do a few bets which started well but ended up blowing most of my hard earned bankroll
:wall BRM, BRM, BRM! Bankroll Management is vital in poker imo and something you really need to nail early on - on the micro stakes, otherwise you've got a lot more frustrating & increasingly expensive days ahead. Ok tad harsh maybe, but you really need to decide what you want to achieve here and how much you want it. By all means have a flutter on the horses, buy the latest electronic gadget and/or treat yourself to a skinny wet latte, but you really need to ringfence any poker funds (however large or small) solely for use on poker and don't get tempted trying to spin it up elsewhere. Taking shots & binks: Taking the odd shot at a higher level is fine as long as you're realistic about it, have a decent bankroll to cover the assumption that you don't cash in it and you're disciplined enough to drop straight back down again. My own recent "bink" was I estimate an 8,000/1 chance, given that I won through the freeroll with several hundred players (11 seats) and then went on to win the main event from a field of 250. I've been playing on & off for 9 years, that's a long time to wait, poker isn't a get rich quick scheme! The maximum I personally use for shots is 5 or 10% of my recent cashes. e.g. If I play a $1 tournament and cash for $1.80, 90/95% goes straight back into my BRM to cover all those non-cashes and to build up a proper roll organically. I would (notionally) put aside a maximum of $0.09 or $0.18 that I can use for "shots". Obviously all the small cashes build up over time and when it reaches a full buyin for the next level up (e.g. $2 tournament in this example), I'll take that shot whilst continuing with my existing $1 mtt BRM with my main bankroll. If you cash in the "shot", keep 5 or 10% aside to fund the next one and use the rest in your BRM to fund organic growth. If you don't cash, feel happy that you had the chance and didn't risk your full BR in doing it. Back to the main grind & be patient waiting for the next chance. What to do on GCasino: Totally up to you of course. If you've got loads of time, just want to have fun and don't mind going bust a few times, then by all means try a really aggressive BRM or even take a shot at the steps. These are a big old grind though and in the end you are placing all of that effort into just one big tournament with all of the variance that goes with it. Personally I would always favour the attempt to build up a roll sensibly. I like this that you mentioned above.
Yesterday i played 5 of the 10 man freerolls cashed in 4 for a whopping 8c but its a start, I think the way i'm going to approach playing on this site is to play as many of these 10man freerolls as i can a day and when iv built up $1.10 then play the 180 man sit n gos that will give me ten shots and if i fail i can start over.
It's costing you nothing except time, you've got a BRM albeit by necessity it will start out aggresively early on. Another option available to you as soon as you've built up a decent little roll from the 3-2-1's, is to play just the Step 1's and or Step 1's & 2's. If memory serves me right, these pay out $0.55 and $1.10 tokens that can either be used on the next step up or to buy into regular mtts of the same value (& possibly sng's, but I forget). So something like.... Step "A" - Grind out the 3-2-1's. Once you have a few buyins... Step 1 - Grind out a few $0.55 tokens. Step "B" - Use the tokens on $0.55 regular and/or sng tourneys Step "C" - As soon as you've cashed a bit on Step "B", use a proper BRM on your chosen discipline, be it mtt's, stt's, mtt sng's etc. Above just a rough draft and you can either include the 5% "Shots fund" or not, totally up to you. Will have a think over the weekend about other options, but probably enough from me for now ;) Good luck buddy, let us know your own thoughts and how you get on. Bart
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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Footnote: Just check the same rules still apply to steps tokens (GCasino website) as been a while since I played some. They can't be used on everything, just selected regular mtts I think. You don't actually receive any rake credit on steps tokens even though the token you win is buyin+fee for next level. Just bear in mind if you're grinding to clear a bonus etc.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge A massive thanks that must have taken you a while to write up so thanks again. I'm my own worst enemy sometimes when it comes to gambling but now i'm on Grosvenor it doesn't have an option to gamble on horses (thank god) i really like what you wrote about taking shots by putting a small percentage of small winnings aside and when saved enough you can take your shot, I would of just taken a shot if i felt like it if i had a half decent roll so i will be adding that to my game. I'v do have plenty of time to try and succeed in my challenge and i don't play poker as a get rich quick scheme i don't think i will ever get rich from playing but who knows it is just a hobby that i really enjoy. I think the steps are the way i'm going to take i'm going to grind these 1-2-3's till iv got ten buy ins and play my best i'm on a bankroll of 32 p after just a couple of days so i could be playing the steps by next weekend. I can't believe you freerolled into that tournament and won that is awesome :notworthy Anyway thanks for your time and some really good advice that will help me and hopefully others that are up to the challenge

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge But it will be the best steak dinner ever. I do appreciate your input but don't take it to heart because i disagreed with you, i have no doubt that your an experienced poker player and i could probably learn a lot from you but i have to stick to my challenge i'm just not one for quitting if i was i would of given up fishing years ago because i hardly catch anything but when i do it makes it more special if you catch my drift.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge glceud is one of many members here that I have a huge amount of respect for. He's also very modest about his own achievements, anyone who runs deep in a GUKPT main event against some of the UK's finest players is definately worth listening to ;) He's right that making a small deposit is always better in kick starting your roll and saving yourself hundreds if not thousands of hours if/where it's available. One of my own BRM leaks is in not moving up when you have the funds to or playing off too safe a BRM. This is almost as bad as not moving down when necessity dictates as you're not making best use of your roll. As you say it just depends what your aim is, sometimes it's just fun doing a challenge from nothing or playing modest buyins, even if it means just a McD's happy meal at the end instead :lol The 5% shots thingy is a modification of something my dad used to do on the horses. It gives you something to look forward to whilst grinding away countless tournaments or in his case races. It should be mentioned though, that taking any amount away from your main roll will slow progress and may in itself drop you a down a level. If you're yielding 2% but taking 5% away, outlook is somewhat bleak and will put more pressure on your shots. Instead maybe a better way is considering putting 5 or 10% of profit aside each week/month instead. If you don't make a profit one week/month, your main roll gets all of your cashes to survive.

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge

He's right that making a small deposit is always better in kick starting your roll and saving yourself hundreds if not thousands of hours if/where it's available. As you say it just depends what your aim is, sometimes it's just fun doing a challenge from nothing or playing modest buyins, even if it means just a McD's happy meal at the end instead :lol
I know he's right then i would get a bonus to try and clear but it's the challenge of doing it from scratch and not spending my own money, if i'm not up and rolling by new year i will bite the bullet and deposit enough to play 50 $1 tourneys. And i was aiming for a big mac meal im to old for the free toy:rollin
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge My challenge is taking a big change next week, Me and the Mrs had a clear out this week and put a few unwanted items on sell and seek so next week i'm going to make a deposit on pokerstars enough to be rolled to play $1 tourneys. I'v already downloaded the client and had a good look round and played a few freerolls and i must say i'v missed playing massive freerolls, I played one freeroll satty to the PCA and finished 27th out of 14,000+ which wasn't a bad effort i was bit gutted to bust out so close to the prize but i dusted my self off and registered for one to the weekly $2000 freeroll and finished 42nd and qualified for the tournament tomorrow. I'm feeling proper excited that i'm going to be able to play some proper tournaments again and i won't have the temptation to play roulette or any other game apart from poker. I'v also got my hands on a new laptop so i will be able to post hand historys for you all to look at and give feedback because on my old one the right click had given up on life. So i will post tomorrow how i get on in the weekly $2000 hopefully i will do well and get a big boost before i even deposit

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Re: Therigdoctors poker challenge Well i made my first deposit yesterday and played a couple of tourneys and had a couple of min cash's which wasn't bad for a first day. I feel that now iv made a deposit iv got to have some sort of goal or aim for my challenge and as i'v not had a holiday abroad for a long time and having a young family it would be good to take them away for a nice treat for us all,That is if i don't go bust. The freeroll that i qualified for didn't go as planned i donked out almost straight away so apart from the depositors freerolls i wont be playing them again it just to much hard work for very little reward. Now iv made one small deposit around 60$ and have some more to deposit once a check clears but the thing is i dont have a HUD or any kind of tracking software, So should i instead of making another deposit to round it up to around 120$ and i can follow a BRM or do i get some tracking software? Does it really help your game? And i don't know if this is being cheeky asking but if any of the top players on here would like to go over my hand history's for tournaments to see what leaks they can find in there spare time i would be very grateful for any advice or guidance they could offer. Now my plan is to play $1 tournaments with the occasional $2 if it's been a good week and i think iv earned a chance but if i buy the HUD i will stick $1, I will be mainly looking to play the guarantee tournaments until i get a win or at least a final table under my belt, Once i have got a decent score i will then look at playing some satty's to bigger tourneys but am a little unsure about how to manage your bankroll to play satty's and still play tourneys with success without risking going broke.

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