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Returning Poker Player


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I used to play Poker quite a lot a few years ago now but took a break from the game due to family reasons but i am now looking to get back into the scene now that my life has got back on track again. I was recommend to join this site by Bart(UK) who i have known from being a member on another Poker site where we was moderators and then Super-Moderators and i class him as a great friend and he's not a bad poker player either lol. I am hoping to start with playing STTs and Tournaments online but would eventually like to try a few live Tournaments as well in the not too distant future. Im guessing that the poker scene has changed quite alot since i last played so if anyone has any good advice on what rooms to play, etc. then that would be greatfully received :). Hope to see some of you on the felt soon, Steve

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Re: Returning Poker Player :welcometo PL Steve, check out the Tournaments Forum, stickies will have exclusive games with added value,also a Diary with recommended games from members. Other games members share can be found there as well. We have our yearly meet up coming up soon,check out the Live Tourneys Forum. good to have you here,any questions,post up,we dont bite................much ;)

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Re: Returning Poker Player :welcome Fella, good to see you back and joining us here, can't keep good blokes down and all that. Will post more, including suggestions etc soon, but in the meantime as teaulc says have a look around, make yourself at home and I'll introduce you to some more of the regs (read characters ;)) in due course, unless they get there before of course. Say hello folks, the bulldog don't bite! Bart

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Re: Returning Poker Player Hey there Bart, thanks for the reply matey and I'll look forward to your suggestions in due course :-). As you've said, I'm having a butchers around at the minute and trying to familiarise myself with the workings of the site but so far liking what I've seen.

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