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Turbo Mtt opinions on hand?


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PokerStars Hand #84065675944: Tournament #593440341, $2.00+$0.50+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (1500/3000) - 2012/07/30 21:28:19 WET [2012/07/30 16:28:19 ET] Table '593440341 105' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: chockgranat (85225 in chips) Seat 2: Baskingsh4rk (56627 in chips) Seat 3: tonkaaa (19509 in chips) Seat 4: Kostyan NAO (30945 in chips) Seat 5: petel87 (14010 in chips) Seat 6: deben900 (36654 in chips) Seat 7: hellkin44 (52556 in chips) Seat 8: 9-10-bsuited (31572 in chips) Seat 9: soarey77 (21252 in chips) chockgranat: posts the ante 300 Baskingsh4rk: posts the ante 300 tonkaaa: posts the ante 300 Kostyan NAO: posts the ante 300 petel87: posts the ante 300 deben900: posts the ante 300 hellkin44: posts the ante 300 9-10-bsuited: posts the ante 300 soarey77: posts the ante 300 9-10-bsuited: posts small blind 1500 soarey77: posts big blind 3000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Baskingsh4rk [Jh Ah] chockgranat: folds Baskingsh4rk: raises 4000 to 7000 tonkaaa: folds Kostyan NAO: raises 23645 to 30645 and is all-in petel87 is disconnected petel87 is connected petel87: folds deben900: folds hellkin44: folds 9-10-bsuited: folds soarey77: folds Baskingsh4rk: folds Uncalled bet (23645) returned to Kostyan NAO Kostyan NAO collected 21200 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 21200 | Rake 0 Seat 1: chockgranat folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Baskingsh4rk folded before Flop Seat 3: tonkaaa folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Kostyan NAO collected (21200) Seat 5: petel87 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: deben900 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: hellkin44 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: 9-10-bsuited (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: soarey77 (big blind) folded before Flop I busted a few orbits later...would you call in this spot?

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Re: Turbo Mtt opinions on hand?

could that 3 bet be with anything worse than A-J
Sure he could. He has just over 10bb left and could be shoving some worse aces, two broadway type hands. He defo should be shoving any pair and AT+, unless he's a complete nit. The only thing that worries me is that he's seen you raise from ep, so it looks like he's expecting a call, but even with a range of 55+, AQo+ you're getting the right odds to call. If his range includes broadway hands and 22+, then you're actually ahead of his range. Even when you get it horribly wrong and he shows up with AK or KK, you're still getting fairly close to pot odds. Hands like AJ are tricky to play when there are short stacks left to act after you. If you're not prepared to call in spots like this then you shouldn't be raising from ep. I would snap call here, unless I had the specific read that this opponent is ultra-nitty and incapable of jamming a non-premium hand.
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Re: Turbo Mtt opinions on hand?

Sure he could. He has just over 10bb left and could be shoving some worse aces, two broadway type hands. He defo should be shoving any pair and AT+, unless he's a complete nit. The only thing that worries me is that he's seen you raise from ep, so it looks like he's expecting a call, but even with a range of 55+, AQo+ you're getting the right odds to call. If his range includes broadway hands and 22+, then you're actually ahead of his range. Even when you get it horribly wrong and he shows up with AK or KK, you're still getting fairly close to pot odds. Hands like AJ are tricky to play when there are short stacks left to act after you. If you're not prepared to call in spots like this then you shouldn't be raising from ep. I would snap call here, unless I had the specific read that this opponent is ultra-nitty and incapable of jamming a non-premium hand.
Yeah your right thanks for the opinion. To be honest it is calling ranges I have my biggest problem with I think I know when to shove but calling is different and sometimes I think I am making bad fold i.e above which is leaving me short in the late stages of tournies
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Re: Turbo Mtt opinions on hand?

Yeah your right thanks for the opinion. To be honest it is calling ranges I have my biggest problem with I think I know when to shove but calling is different and sometimes I think I am making bad fold i.e above which is leaving me short in the late stages of tournies
Download PokerStove and play around the preflop ranges. It's a great way of improving your shoving/calling ranges.
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