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STT hand. What would you do?


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I haven't played since the PL Xmas game and I have decided to start playing again doing what I originally started doing when I took up poker, STTs. I have about 40€ on Virgin so I'm starting small with 1€ turbo 6 max STTs and using bankroll management to move up the stakes. As it's been a while since i've played poker and even longer since I've played STTs in anger I thought I would post a hand I had tonight where I was unsure what I should do. The game was 3 handed with me and the button short stacked and the blinds at 300/600 and up to 400/800 next hand with only 2 paid on a 70%/30% split. BTN: 1,090.00 SB: 5,275.00 Hero (BB): 1,135.00 SB posts SB 300.00, Hero posts BB 600.00 Pre Flop: (pot: 900.00) Hero has :3d: :Qd: BTN raises to 1,090.00 and is all-in, SB calls 790.00 Now, would you call and increase the chances of knocking out the other shorty or fold and hope the shorty busts and I limp into the money?

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Re: STT hand. What would you do? I think it's a clear call. If you fold, you're left with not much more than a small blind next hand, so you'd have to be quite lucky to improve your position. The only really likely way for you to affect your payout at this stage is to call. If you win the hand you're heads-up and not so far behind. If the big stack wins then you get second place, which is what you'd probably have got if you folded. If the short stack wins, then you'd probably have bubbled anyway. The only outcome to this hand where the decision about calling or folding makes a significant difference to your expected payout is when you'd win the hand. In that case, folding is a disaster, especially if the short stack wins. In any other case, whether you call or fold makes little difference.

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Re: STT hand. What would you do? Cheers guys. I did actually call so I'm happy with that. I lost the hand but not worried about that as long term I think it's a winning move, I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing as I'm a bit rusty with these. I may well post a few more as I play more games. Sometimes the 15 seconds isn't enough to analyse it properly and I always think it's good to get other peoples thoughts on situations.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: STT hand. What would you do? Yeah you have to call in that spot...what did he have with the shove. His range is so big i am taking your Q-2 was probably 6/4 dog against the small blinds hand calling with an ace-rag? buttons range is so big could be anything. where you about 3.5/1 to win the hand? what was the outcome?

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