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Sunday Million - 1st July : Samba


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Re: Sunday Million - 1st July : Samba Obviously put your entire $215 tourney at risk with a flush draw!!

PokerStars Hand #82717279329: Tournament #579020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (20/40) - 2012/07/01 19:39:25 WET [2012/07/01 14:39:25 ET] Table '579020010 124' 9-max Seat #8 is the button Seat 1: TheJunobv (8295 in chips) Seat 2: 967626 (9880 in chips) Seat 3: DanikLong (9100 in chips) Seat 4: GovGus (9140 in chips) Seat 5: atek1989 (11025 in chips) Seat 6: jayjay908 (9900 in chips) Seat 7: Itschel (10940 in chips) Seat 8: nortzledg (9780 in chips) Seat 9: BAD BOY DIB (11940 in chips) BAD BOY DIB: posts small blind 20 TheJunobv: posts big blind 40 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to nortzledg [3c 2c] 967626: folds DanikLong: folds GovGus: folds atek1989: folds jayjay908: folds Itschel: folds nortzledg: calls 40 BAD BOY DIB: calls 20 TheJunobv: checks *** FLOP *** [4d 5h Ah] BAD BOY DIB: bets 120 TheJunobv: calls 120 nortzledg: raises 480 to 600 BAD BOY DIB: calls 480 TheJunobv: raises 1000 to 1600 nortzledg: raises 8140 to 9740 and is all-in BAD BOY DIB: folds TheJunobv: calls 6655 and is all-in Uncalled bet (1485) returned to nortzledg *** TURN *** [4d 5h Ah] [9c] *** RIVER *** [4d 5h Ah 9c] [9h] *** SHOW DOWN *** TheJunobv: shows [3h Qh] (a flush, Ace high) nortzledg: shows [3c 2c] (a straight, Ace to Five) TheJunobv collected 17230 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 17230 | Rake 0 Board [4d 5h Ah 9c 9h] Seat 1: TheJunobv (big blind) showed [3h Qh] and won (17230) with a flush, Ace high Seat 2: 967626 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: DanikLong folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: GovGus folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: atek1989 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: jayjay908 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Itschel folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: nortzledg (button) showed [3c 2c] and lost with a straight, Ace to Five Seat 9: BAD BOY DIB (small blind) folded on the Flop
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Re: Sunday Million - 1st July : Samba And out. So by saying we saved the best til last, I meant the quickest :wall

PokerStars Hand #82717372717: Tournament #579020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (20/40) - 2012/07/01 19:41:28 WET [2012/07/01 14:41:28 ET] Table '579020010 124' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: TheJunobv (17210 in chips) Seat 2: 967626 (9840 in chips) Seat 3: DanikLong (9100 in chips) Seat 4: GovGus (9140 in chips) Seat 5: atek1989 (11025 in chips) Seat 6: jayjay908 (8400 in chips) Seat 7: Itschel (10940 in chips) Seat 8: nortzledg (1485 in chips) Seat 9: BAD BOY DIB (12860 in chips) 967626: posts small blind 20 DanikLong: posts big blind 40 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to nortzledg [9d 9c] GovGus: raises 60 to 100 atek1989: calls 100 jayjay908: folds Itschel: folds nortzledg: raises 260 to 360 BAD BOY DIB: calls 360 TheJunobv: folds 967626: folds DanikLong: folds GovGus: calls 260 atek1989: calls 260 *** FLOP *** [6s 8d 2c] GovGus: checks atek1989: checks nortzledg: bets 1125 and is all-in BAD BOY DIB: calls 1125 GovGus: raises 2225 to 3350 atek1989: folds BAD BOY DIB: folds Uncalled bet (2225) returned to GovGus *** TURN *** [6s 8d 2c] [Jd] *** RIVER *** [6s 8d 2c Jd] [3h] *** SHOW DOWN *** GovGus: shows [Tc Td] (a pair of Tens) nortzledg: shows [9d 9c] (a pair of Nines) GovGus collected 4875 from pot nortzledg finished the tournament in 2915th place *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 4875 | Rake 0 Board [6s 8d 2c Jd 3h] Seat 1: TheJunobv (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: 967626 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: DanikLong (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 4: GovGus showed [Tc Td] and won (4875) with a pair of Tens Seat 5: atek1989 folded on the Flop Seat 6: jayjay908 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Itschel folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: nortzledg showed [9d 9c] and lost with a pair of Nines Seat 9: BAD BOY DIB folded on the Flop
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Re: Sunday Million - 1st July : Samba Discussion time - right or wrong to get all the chips in there? I am sure I am only doubting it because we ended up losing, but, devil's advocate, it was level 1, low blinds etc etc In my defence, I have the nuts, the absolute nuts, if somebody's got 2 hearts I want to charge them the wrong price to see the rest of the cards. I had raised the initial bet, then shoved to the 3bet, ensuring anybody chasing anything had the wrong price to chase. I got him to have his entire stack of over 200 x BBs into the middle. Or should I have kept it as small as possible so I could fold if/when the 3rd heart came?

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Re: Sunday Million - 1st July : Samba

Not much you can do once you see flop. The only problem I have' date=' why in hand with 23? I know suited on the button, but still...[/quote'] Saw a flop for 40 chips with a hand that is easy to play. Either I flop the world and profit (supposedly), or it is an easy fold and I have lost one big blind
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Re: Sunday Million - 1st July : Samba

Fair enough Pete :ok.
Certainly not meaning it to sound like I am right btw. That's just the way I play, was just explaining the thought process that went into it. Asked for opinions as am completely open to constructive criticism about anything :ok
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Re: Sunday Million - 1st July : Samba Unlucky, Pete. To be fair to the villain, he has a gutshot straight draw as well as a flush draw, and against the actual hand you had, he's at least close to the right odds to call when you shove. Nothing wrong with your shove, IMO. If you *know* he has a flush draw and will call if you shove, then maybe you get better value by playing more slowly and getting away from the hand if the flush hits. But you don't know that, and if he doesn't have the flush draw then he could bluff you off the hand if the flush card comes. And by shoving you get some fold equity. As for whether to play 32s, I wouldn't, but with blinds this deep, playing any hand when it's folded to you on the button can't be a big mistake. Personally, if I'd played it I'd have raised, which gives you a chance of picking up the blinds (not a bad result with 32).

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