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Morlspins VEGAS Staking Thread - Multiple Events - SOLD OUT


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  • Name: Graeme Morl
  • Stake Requested: $550 @ 100 shares of $5.50
  • Event/Tournament: Vegas Multiple Events - Venetian Deepstack, Binions, Caesars etc
  • Offer: 1:1 of any winnings = 1 share worth 1%
  • Date of Event/Tournaments: Begins 4th July - Ends 9th July

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Graeme Morl agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. The events I want to play are: 6th July = Caesars Megastack = $220 7th July = Binions Poker Classic = $110 8th July = Caesars Megastack = $220 Bought already 5% To Previous Staking 15% To Graeme Morl 11% to Spur Man @ $60.50c (1% to BHF) 10% to Burnley Joe @ $55.00c 11% to Miss Hoolie @ $60.50c (1% to BHF) 10% to AndyBell @ $55.00c 5% to Kevsul @ $27.50c (1% to BHF) 18% to Simon Higgins @ $100- money given in vegas (8% to BHF) 2% to Spitvenom (2% to BHF) 13% to Chi Tsang

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Morlspins VEGAS Staking Thread - Multiple Events - SOLD OUT Event 1 was earlier today. It went sick as anything, and Mr Warbirds himself can tell you just how bad I am running so far this trip. Level 2 Blinds are 100/200and were in level 2 in the Deepstack and I have 27k in chips. I pick up AA in my small blind and the action comes to me with guy in seat 4 raising to 800, and the guy in seat 5 making it 5000 to play. I want to take chips here and not face any silly races too early on in the game so move in for the whole 27k. Seat 4 folds, seat 5 thinks for around 2 minutes and calls, turns over QQ and im in great shape to knock a player out and be on nearly 50k so early on. Anyway, the flop is a distressing 2 3 Q......no help from the turn and river and im down to 4.5k Level 4 - 200/400 Im back up to around 5.5k after picking up a few small pots and get dealt KK when UTG, i make it 875 and what happens next nearly blew my mind.....seat 4 again reraises me to 2400, seat 6 raises him to 12k all in and seat 10 pushes all in for 19k, now 9/10 here i call immediately, but after the initial reraise, then 2 shoves before its my turn to act, I am convinced that one of them has the AA......I must have taken around 4 minutes to decide what to do and announce fold :( The initial re-raiser calls and they show: Seat 4 = A10o Seat 6 = AKo Seat 10 = A4 diamonds :( 1st card out was a King and I would have been on over 20k again. Then i ran like **** and ended up busting at the beginning of level 5 with KQ suited vs 77 . Tomorrow is the Venetain Deepstack and hopefully I can run good just once on this trip!

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Re: Morlspins VEGAS Staking Thread - Multiple Events - SOLD OUT Event 2 At a loss as to what to do, what to say and what to change if I need to change anything about my game at present. Level 1,2,3 were pretty standard, boring affairs and nothing, nothing to report, no cards, no hands to get involved in and had to fight to stay awake. Level 4(200-400) I have 10900 in chips- now considering I havent played a hand for nigh on 95 minutes, I would give anyone respect who made a re-raise here. I have AK suited, raise to 900, get re-raised to 1800 and I then make it 3600, he flat calls. flop is AK10 and i bet out to 2000, he calls, turn is 2h and again i bet out, 2400, he calls, river is a Jc and I dont beat much here now, i check and he checks behind, showing QJ for the flopped straight. Dealer then tells him he cannot check the nuts on the river and he is given a 2 hand penalty......but im still in with 3.9k My final hand was again a sign of how im running, QQ vs KK......I open to 1200, he shoves, i call for my final 3k and gone. I have 1 more game tomorrow and hope to god that I can get some sort of good run, good luck or anything, just to give you guys some good news and some money back. wish me luck!

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Re: Morlspins VEGAS Staking Thread - Multiple Events - SOLD OUT Ok, I hope people dont mind this, but im going to try and maximise our chances of getting a decent return. I'll be now playing $135 at the Wynn in 20 mins $125 at the Aria at 8pm if i bust the Wynn. (i will add the $25 difference in myself) Both have good numbers but more importantly, no re-entry after level 4, where as the others have been loose cos you can re enter til level 7. If i go deep at Wynn, the $125 game will be cancelled and added to the money to pay out. Hope no one minds this.

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Re: Morlspins VEGAS Staking Thread - Multiple Events - SOLD OUT Thanks Andy Ended up finishing 18th of 57 when my 99 was beaten on the river off AK suited, I had 2k more but with blinds of 100/600/1200 I was all in next hand with KJo vs AQ who held. However, I did manage to win with Kings! Next event will be the $80 Caesars event

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Re: Morlspins VEGAS Staking Thread - Multiple Events - SOLD OUT All over with and the worst time in Vegas ever! 16 left, 2am and I pick up QQ I raise it up from UTG+1 and get re-raised off the cut off, I dont want to commit too many chips with QQ as I have a healthy stack and the raiser has me covered, so decide to call. The flop is 2 6 9 rainbow, I check to induce the bet and it works, he bets half the pot so i decide thats enough, and check-raise him all in. He asks for a count and has me covered by just 500 chips (i thought he had more) He calls me and shows AcKc so with no straight draw and no flush draw, he commits his tourney life! And yes.....he catches the Ace on the turn. I think its time i gave up this staking game, i feel terrible that I haven't managed to cash at all this week in vegas and knowing that I have played well makes it worse. To everyone who has staked me, or sponsored me here and in the past, thank you for your support and encouragement, I am so sorry that I dont have a massive return for you :(

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Re: Morlspins VEGAS Staking Thread - Multiple Events - SOLD OUT I would stake you again when you decide to do another, so give me a shout in case I miss it. You've played your game, and had bad calls against you, they hit,I'm sure you will hit it big again soon!

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Re: Morlspins VEGAS Staking Thread - Multiple Events - SOLD OUT So would I Grae. Can't help it when the cards run that nastily against you. You have had your money in the middle with the best hand (bar the QQ v KK when short stacked, and you got mugged in that one with the JQ call to AK) and that's all you can ask for when it comes to it. After that it's in the lap of the poker Gods. These things balance out, and you'll go on a good run soon enough!. Just make sure I'm staking you when you do!.

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