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Bet365 First iPoker Skin to Launch SprintPoker


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For those who want a sneak peak of iPoker's new version of RushPoker, give Bet365 a spin. A Bet365 email today confirmed that SprintPoker can be accessed from the main lobby on Bet365. Similar to RushPoker, SprintPoker deals users a new hand a soon as they fold. There is no need to wait until it's your turn to act and no need to wait until a hand is finished. Although it's likely that iPoker will experience a small traffic surge because of this new software addition, the longer term ecological implications of RushPoker are still unknown. In a time where networks are striving to limit tables and ensure poker continues to be enjoyable, it's questionable whether variants of RushPoker are fit for purpose. Cynics have voiced concerns that this type of poker is a solvable game that quickly becomes robotic. It's interesting to note that 888Poker and Ongame, two of online poker's most ecologically conscious networks, have not annoucned any plans to implement a version of RushPoker. The Cassava network of which 888Poker is a member, is home to push/fold poker which isn't dissimilar to RushPoker in terms of gameflow.

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