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100% to Charity - Morlspins Free Games Thread - £125 profit so far


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Just a thread to keep note of the games Ive been put into by various companies/players 100% of the winnings from these games will be donated to the British Heart Foundation June 1st June - Genting Edinburgh - £430 = No Cash July 6th - WSOP Event 59b for 25% - $1000 = 20th - GUKPT Bolton = £550 = August 3rd-6th - Genting Stoke - £430 = 24th Aug - GUKPT Goliath = £120 = September 30th - Genting Online Series - £430 = November 23rd-26th - Genting Sheffield - £430 = Online Games BetVictor Charity Game - €10 = StanJames Charity Game - €6 = 4kgtd 2nd Chance - 19/6 = no cash 4kgtd 2nd Chance - 22/6 = 9th for €153

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Re: 100% to Charity - Morlspins Free Games Thread Game 1 1 x Ticket to buy in 1 x Ticket to add on 115 Entries Prizepool of €4680 Sitting pretty in 3rd and get a cooler with AK, vs KQ who hits his flush after he calls a 5bet to see an Ace hight flop with 2 spades, i bet he shoves i call, and he has the KQspades, turns the spade and im gone, only player on my table with any chips of note!, nightmare!

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