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1 Free PPUKTour Seat Freeroll - G Casino - Thursday 8pm p/word post 21


1 Free PPUKTour Seat Freeroll - G Casino - Thursday 8pm p/word post 21  

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Re: 1 Free PPUKTour Seat Freeroll - G Casino - Thursday 8pm p/word post 21 agree 100 per cent like iv said in the past if i dont make it or the password isnt given out then theres a reason for this but all you have to do understand its a great forum iv been on for a while and enjoy the banter and crack here and get to know folk here as the majority here are like so pls feel free to enjoy this moment right now as i type with my wee fingers working overtime here :loon i do more typing here than i do at my work as there i just file nails hehe

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Re: 1 Free PPUKTour Seat Freeroll - G Casino - Thursday 8pm p/word post 21

Dunno what all the fuss is about here! We always send out these passwords to one off events late on in the day, this is to ensure that only PL members get to play them.
Morls, Not making an issue here as really appreciate all of the stuff that you and everyone at PL does for us members, but pretty sure you usually send out passwords early doors for those of us that you can trust not to pass it on and just withhold it to newbies or those you don't know.................maybe wrong but anyways that's the reason I went out to the pub as did not expect the password to be forthcoming Best Andy
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Re: 1 Free PPUKTour Seat Freeroll - G Casino - Thursday 8pm p/word post 21 I missed this last night was out at the cinema... But just looking at the client now, and there are 3 seats gtd sats for the brighton leg from 18th June - 22 June for £10+1 Seems like good value to me

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Re: 1 Free PPUKTour Seat Freeroll - G Casino - Thursday 8pm p/word post 21 well done on your win scooper,but please bear in mind we mods volunteer out time to help out our members and maybe a bit of thought before you post your sarcasm wouldnt go amiss. maybe a thanks also to those that have congratulated you on your win.

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