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my wheel of fortune (or bad luck)

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hi all!My english need some practice but i shall try to be the more clear as possible.I suppose many of you have heard what the inner circle or,called too "silver circle" is.Bank divided in one hundred pts.Each bet between one to five pts,one on the high odds,five on the low ones or on the issue of the event you feel more or less.I have tried this system and the results were not too bad but not too good...the increase/decrease of the bank is very slow...So i have enlarged the strategy to one pts to ten pts,one over 2,2 pts over 1,90 ...etc,till ten pts on odd 1,10 and it seems too boost the staking plan a little bit...If it's not an offensive plan it keep your bank safe in the long and bad runs and especially if the bets follow the level of the bank.Maybe i shall try to increase the scale from 2 pts to 12 pts

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