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Notice Regarding Third Party Programs on Ongame Network


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Hi Guys Been asked to post this as Ongame has updated their 3rd Party Program Regulations. APPENDIX 8C PROHIBITED PROGRAM POLICY [h=1]1BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE[/h]In order to avoid prohibited techniques at the poker table within the Ongame Network (“Network”) Ongame Network Ltd (“Ongame Network”) has issued a Prohibited Program Policy (“Policy”) for any operator connected to the Network (“Platform Partners”). The purpose of this policy is to separate acceptable techniques of performance improvement at the poker tables from techniques that are prohibited within the Network. Numerous software tools are available which promise to help players improve their game performance. Ongame Network has decided to clearly separate these programs into two categories: 1) Software tools that provide a fair advantage to a player and are allowed; and 2) Software tools that provide an unfair advantage to a player and are prohibited. Ongame Network have a strict policy towards the use of prohibited programs, included but limited to Poker Bot-usage, data mining, collusion and other forms of prohibited techniques. Ongame Network will take necessary measures to ensure this. For this reason, Ongame Network reserves the right to change this policy at any time and at our own discretion. [h=1]2POKER BOTS[/h]Prohibited programs are any form of automated Poker Bot programs used in order to make decisions or take actions on the player’s behalf in the games. To ensure a secure and technically equal environment in the Network, players are prohibited from operating these programs or allowing these programs to operate while logged into their accounts. This prohibition includes all games, including tournaments and ring games, for all currencies, including real money and play money. Only humans are permitted to play on our site. Artificially-intelligent programs, processes, applications and all other forms of software and hardware – including but not limited to Poker Bots or Auto Folders – are prohibited from making game decisions or taking game action within the Network, either under their own auspices or under the supervision of a human. [h=1]3DATA MINING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS[/h]Through analysis of hand histories, players can learn about patterns, strengths and weaknesses in their game play (and that of their opponents), and determine areas for improvement. Ongame Network provides comprehensive hand history statistics in Ongame Networks software. Programs that aggregate hand histories to profile a player's own play and/or the play of opponent players at the same poker table are allowed. Programs such as PokerTracker and Holdem Managerare provide detailed statistical analysis of hand histories for beneficial review. As well as personal game play analysis, these programs also compile and profile a player's opponents' play. This is similar to how meticulous players might use our Player Notes feature after every hand to compile their own profiles on opponents. As such, these programs are allowed. Conversely, programs that use statistics not collected by the player himself/herself through ordinary, fair game play are not allowed. Programs that share data are not allowed. Acquiring hand history in bulk from a third party and use this data in any third party software is also prohibited. Further, Ongame Network does not allow players to collude, share hole card information or team up against other players. Ongame Network also prohibits the use of any software program that facilitates the sharing of this information or player profiles. Programs such as PokerEdge and CardAnalyzer, compile player profiles in a database and then sell subscription access to their systems. These programs allow players to access profile information on players they have never played against, and in order to prevent such unfair advantage, Ongame Network prohibits these programs. [h=1]4SUPERVISIONS AND SANCTIONS[/h]Ongame Network has processes in place to detect and prevent the use of prohibited programs. The technology is an extension of our anti-collusion security systems, and is deeply integrated with multiple tiers of our client and server architecture. It is in the Networks collective interest to ensure the safety and integrity of the game and this is part of the security Ongame Network is offering. We reserve the right to close accounts, seize funds and ban players from playing at [OPERATOR NAME] for using prohibited programs. [h=1]4MORE INFORMATION[/h]Ongame Network nor [OPERATOR NAME] does not actively endorse or support any of the listed third party programs, nor do we guarantee anything regarding functionality, reliability/stability or safety of any of the programs. If you are considering using a program that is not on this list, please e-mail the Ongame Network support with information about the program, including its name and a URL where Ongame Network can find it. After Ongame Network has reviewed it, Ongame Network will make a decision about whether or not the usage is allowed. Programs with the main purpose to exploit or target recreational players will be prohibited in order to maintain healthy poker ecology. Ongame Network has the right to on a case by case basis classify certain programs as detrimental to our environment and accordingly prohibit them. [h=1]5PROHIBITED PROGRAMS[/h] [TABLE=width: 387]

[TR] [TD]PROHIBITED [/TD] [TD]TYPE [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]CardAnalyzer [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]FullAutoHoldem [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Gambot [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Hand HQ [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Handbooster [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]HH Repository [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]HHCollector [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]HHdealer [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]hhSmithey [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Hold’em Watcher [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Holdem Inspector [/TD] [TD]Advisor [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]ICM-Bot [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]iHH Harvester [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Mandraker [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]MyPokerIntel [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]NoLimitFoldem [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Official Poker Rankings [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Omaha High Inspector [/TD] [TD]Real-Time Calculator [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ongbetter [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Open Holdem Bot [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]OPI Wizard [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]PlayerPeek [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Android [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Bloodhound [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Bot [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Bot+ [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Crusher [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Edge [/TD] [TD]Advisor [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Inspector [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Mate [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Prophecy [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Sherlock [/TD] [TD]Advisor [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Sidekick [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Table Manager [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Table Ratings [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Poker Usher [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]PokerEdge [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]POKERobot [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]PokiBot [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Preflop Autofolder [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Preflop Poker Bot [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Seeker [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Sense Mind [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]SharkMate [/TD] [TD]Advisor [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Sit And Go Shark [/TD] [TD]Advisor [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Sit n' Go Brain [/TD] [TD]Table finder [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Sixth Sense [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]SmartCollector [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]SpadeEye [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]StatsForPoker [/TD] [TD]Advisor [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Stud Inspector [/TD] [TD]Table Finder [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Table Shark [/TD] [TD]Table Finder [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]TableScan Turbo [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Texas Auto Fold [/TD] [TD]Miner [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]ThePokerDB [/TD] [TD]Advisor [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Tournament Inspector [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]WinHoldem [/TD] [TD]Bot [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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