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what do you do here?


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Re: what do you do here? there is not a great deal more to be won as they have only got $2 max in their stack. I would say taht the optimal play here would be to call the 60c and hope for a diamond on the river. Either way i am pretty sure that a shove by you on the river will get called by a staright and flush if it gets there as by then there will be too much in the pot.

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Re: what do you do here? I'm not a PLO player. If you want to get paid by someone who hits a flush, is it not better to make someone drawing to the flush pay something for their draw, rather than only getting paid when they hit their draw? Given the stake level, and the likely quality of the opponents, I'd be tempted to min reraise - it reopens the betting (increasing the chance that one of the remaining players raises again), it gives both players great odds to call, and will offer better odds to medium strength hands if you shove the river. Alternate View Given the OP, just fold. Its obvious that one of your opponents has QQ and will hit higher quads on the river :p

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Re: what do you do here? Actually, yeah, you're right - min raise is horrid (call is worse :p) - just chuck the chips in now and dont give them the chance to get away with missed draws. I'm becoming more and more convinced though that one of them has QQ, and that the final Q comes for quads over quads - given what we know from our hole cards and the community cards - its not that obscure a chance that one 4 card hand from 8 players holds QQ and then its only the final Queen on the Turn or River to lose - it's what happened isn't it? Al's stringing us along with a Bad Beat story (that probably isn't even a bad beat when we crunch the maths :p)

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Re: what do you do here? Playing 98% Omaha and Omaha hi/lo these days and have only lost with quads once (7's so still not bad beat qualifying) Flush over flush, set over set and boat over boat are 10 a penny mind you. I have managed to lose money with a Royal Flush heads up in an omaha hi/lo pot which must make me pretty unique:\ The rake is a total killer and I'm suprised no site offers rake free split pots.

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Re: what do you do here? If you call the pot is $6, first person to act has $1.40 (under 25% of pot), next guy has $2 (33%) so they're both hugely pot committed already. What i like about a turn call is on the river the first guy is likely to go all-in, the second guy then realises it's not much more to him to call for a big pot so calls not really thinking about you. Having said that though a raise putting them both all-in is probably better as you still get their action when they have a big hand and you get the extra money if one has the draw.

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Re: what do you do here? there is no bad beat story here,i just wanted to see how other players would act in the same situation. anyway here is the full hand history: ***** History for hand R5-236681354-11 ***** Start hand: Sun Apr 29 12:53:49 BST 2012 Table: Novato [236681354] (POT_LIMIT OMAHA_HI $0.10/$0.10, Real money) User: teaulcBF Button: seat 7 Players in round: 8 (9) Seat 1: sakhs... ($3.32) Seat 2: sadcity ($5.84) Seat 4: hcrn1111 ($3.94) Seat 5: scotteek81 ($3.50) Seat 6: teaulcBF ($10.99) Seat 7: emimits ($4.30) Seat 8: ganjjjja ($5.34) Seat 9: kaomithiotis ($2.99) ganjjjja posts big blind ($0.10) kaomithiotis posts big blind ($0.10) scotteek81 posts big blind ($0.10) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to teaulcBF: [Jc, 7c, Js, 5d] sakhs... calls $0.10 sadcity folds hcrn1111 calls $0.10 scotteek81 checks teaulcBF calls $0.10 emimits folds ganjjjja checks kaomithiotis checks --- Dealing flop [8d, Qc, Jd] ganjjjja checks kaomithiotis checks sakhs... checks hcrn1111 checks scotteek81 checks teaulcBF bets $0.60 ganjjjja folds kaomithiotis folds sakhs... calls $0.60 hcrn1111 calls $0.60 scotteek81 folds --- Dealing turn [Jh] sakhs... checks hcrn1111 checks teaulcBF bets $0.60 sakhs... raises $1.20 to $1.20 hcrn1111 calls $1.20 teaulcBF calls $0.60 --- Dealing river [9d] sakhs... checks hcrn1111 checks teaulcBF bets $2 sakhs... calls $1.42 [all in] hcrn1111 folds --- Summary: Main pot: $8.84 won by teaulcBF ($8.26) Rake taken: $0.58 Seat 1: sakhs... ($0), net: -$3.32 Seat 2: sadcity ($5.84) Seat 4: hcrn1111 ($2.04), net: -$1.90 Seat 5: scotteek81 ($3.40), net: -$0.10 Seat 6: teaulcBF ($15.93), net: +$4.94, [Jc, 7c, Js, 5d] (FOUR_OF_A_KIND JACK) Seat 7: emimits ($4.30) Seat 8: ganjjjja ($5.24), net: -$0.10 Seat 9: kaomithiotis ($2.89), net: -$0.10 ***** End of hand R5-236681354-11 *****

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