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Morlspins WSOP Warrior Stake Request - SOLD OUT


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  • Name: Graeme Morl
  • Stake Requested: $215 @ 100 shares of $2.15
  • Event/Tournament: WSOP Warrior on Grosvenor Poker
  • Offer: Stakeback and 75% of any winnings = 1 share worth 0.75%
  • Date of Event/Tournaments: Begins 7th May 2012 - Ends 28th May 2012

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Graeme Morl agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Full WSOP Warrior Event Details can be found here: http://forum.punterslounge.com/threads/129490-Grosvenor-Poker-WSOP-Warrior-League-May-2012

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Re: Morlspins WSOP Warrior Stake Request - 25% gone Stakers so far: Morlspin = 25% @ $54 Ooblio = 10% @ $21.50 Woodie = 10% @ $21.50 Spurman = 10% @ $21.50 SimonHiggins = 10% @ $21.50 Kevsul = 15% @ $32.75 Sonicman = 10% @ $21.50 danj2202 = 10% @ $21.50 Results so far/Points so far Points = 60 points after event 6 Event 1 = 173rd = 7 points Event 2 = 36th = 12 points Event 3 = 30th = 12 points Event 4 = 29th = 12 points Event 5 = 168th = 7 points Event 6 = 66th = 10 points

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Re: Morlspins WSOP Warrior Stake Request - 35% gone

10 also please if I can send by jokerstars? When you win a package do we just have that % rolledover forwhatever you play out there?
Thats right mate, once the $215 is paid back to stakers, its 75% of anything i win/package/wsop main event win Bracelets mine tho.......
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Re: Morlspins WSOP Warrior Stake Request - SOLD OUT Event 1 Level One saw me lose a chunk of my stack with 10c 10s on a flop of Q 4 2o, he raised, i called and the 3rd spade hit the turn, this time he checks and i bet half the pot, he flats, we both check a nothing river and he shows JJ, i cant imagine he would have folded so got a little lucky by checking. Level Four saw me exit, I have nothing for around 20 minutes and pick up AJo, i raise to 300 and get 1 caller, flop is again a nothing K64 flop, i have 800 chips left and the pot is 800, so i shove it in, and my caller has K6....... Thankfully, only 5 from 6 count, this is my ****ter, will be better next time!

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Re: Morlspins WSOP Warrior Stake Request - SOLD OUT [ATTACH]2516[/ATTACH]Event 2 Finished 30th, got it in good against the table idiot who proceeded to go all in every hand for a circuit, he loses each one then its me, and he wins.....ffs


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