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Where are you playing Tuesday 17th April

Burnley Joe

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Sick of forgetting games, so starting this again! Pady Power 20.15pm $5 Niall Smythe Bounty 10/95 for $11 20.30pm $2 Pantsdown $200 Added AK v 84 23.55pm $5 Bedtime Crapshot 3/25 for $22.50 Pokerstars 19.30 £1 UKIPT League game Forgot to Reg 19.30 $4.40 $1.5K Omaha Hilo 60/400 odd bubbled Any others will be added later :ok

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Re: Where are you playing Tuesday 17th April Good idea Joe & gl. I'm just doing the PL-Coral league tonight, as going through one of those "I'm over poker" phases. Will be back firing on all cylinders soon though. btw there is a 1 pence tournament giving away 3x £50 buyins to a regular live £50 rebuy tourney in Reading coming up on Genting in the next couple of days (Sorry can't remember exactly when). One just for those in Berkshire or surrounding counties I guess, but thought I'd mention it here in case.

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Re: Where are you playing Tuesday 17th April Nice start PokerStars Hand #79025911009: Tournament #546367546, $4.00+$0.40 USD Omaha Hi/Lo Pot Limit - Level V (30/60) - 2012/04/17 20:32:09 WET [2012/04/17 15:32:09 ET] Table '546367546 32' 9-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: KehcaloR (5281 in chips) Seat 2: Crol_xD (3545 in chips) Seat 3: BurnleyJoe (6490 in chips) Seat 4: Butters1985 (800 in chips) Seat 5: kelvio (4858 in chips) Seat 6: ronron133 (2719 in chips) Seat 7: lol hehe (1727 in chips) Seat 8: GORSHKOV7878 (3000 in chips) Seat 9: Ferurehil (3180 in chips) kelvio: posts small blind 30 ronron133: posts big blind 60 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to BurnleyJoe [Ad Jc Qd Ah] KehcaloR said, "kort van stof" lol hehe: folds GORSHKOV7878: raises 60 to 120 Ferurehil: folds KehcaloR: folds Crol_xD: folds BurnleyJoe: calls 120 Butters1985: raises 450 to 570 kelvio: calls 540 ronron133: folds GORSHKOV7878: calls 450 BurnleyJoe: raises 2340 to 2910 Butters1985: calls 230 and is all-in kelvio: folds GORSHKOV7878: calls 2340 *** FLOP *** [8d Ks 8h] GORSHKOV7878: bets 60 BurnleyJoe: calls 60 *** TURN *** [8d Ks 8h] [4h] GORSHKOV7878: bets 30 and is all-in BurnleyJoe: calls 30 *** RIVER *** [8d Ks 8h 4h] [9c] *** SHOW DOWN *** GORSHKOV7878: shows [Js 9s Ac 5s] (HI: two pair, Nines and Eights) BurnleyJoe: shows [Ad Jc Qd Ah] (HI: two pair, Aces and Eights) BurnleyJoe collected 4400 from side pot Butters1985: shows [7h 3d Jh 7s] (HI: two pair, Eights and Sevens) BurnleyJoe collected 3030 from main pot No low hand qualified GORSHKOV7878 finished the tournament in 279th place Butters1985 finished the tournament in 280th place *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 7430 Main pot 3030. Side pot 4400. | Rake 0 Board [8d Ks 8h 4h 9c] Seat 1: KehcaloR folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Crol_xD folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: BurnleyJoe showed [Ad Jc Qd Ah] and won (7430) with HI: two pair, Aces and Eights Seat 4: Butters1985 (button) showed [7h 3d Jh 7s] and lost with HI: two pair, Eights and Sevens Seat 5: kelvio (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: ronron133 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 7: lol hehe folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: GORSHKOV7878 showed [Js 9s Ac 5s] and lost with HI: two pair, Nines and Eights Seat 9: Ferurehil folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: Where are you playing Tuesday 17th April Double PokerStars Hand #79030112451: Tournament #546367546, $4.00+$0.40 USD Omaha Hi/Lo Pot Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2012/04/17 21:49:04 WET [2012/04/17 16:49:04 ET] Table '546367546 32' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: KehcaloR (13499 in chips) Seat 2: MrCrabs2000 (7860 in chips) Seat 3: BurnleyJoe (10744 in chips) Seat 4: circus1977 (7633 in chips) Seat 6: ronron133 (5482 in chips) Seat 7: joppe2011 (7073 in chips) Seat 8: eclindud (2494 in chips) is sitting out Seat 9: Van Kilmer13 (6941 in chips) KehcaloR: posts small blind 150 MrCrabs2000: posts big blind 300 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to BurnleyJoe [2h 5d Kd Ac] eclindud has returned BurnleyJoe: calls 300 KehcaloR said, "tough" circus1977: calls 300 ronron133: folds KehcaloR said, "and rough" joppe2011: raises 1350 to 1650 KehcaloR said, "hehehehe" eclindud: folds Van Kilmer13: folds KehcaloR: folds MrCrabs2000: folds Van Kilmer13 said, "jajjaja hay q joerse" BurnleyJoe: raises 4050 to 5700 circus1977: folds joppe2011: raises 1373 to 7073 and is all-in BurnleyJoe: calls 1373 *** FLOP *** [Ad Jh 6s] *** TURN *** [Ad Jh 6s] [3c] *** RIVER *** [Ad Jh 6s 3c] [Ah] *** SHOW DOWN *** BurnleyJoe: shows [2h 5d Kd Ac] (HI: three of a kind, Aces; LO: 6,5,3,2,A) joppe2011: shows [Ks 3h Jd 2s] (HI: two pair, Aces and Jacks) BurnleyJoe collected 7448 from pot BurnleyJoe collected 7448 from pot joppe2011 finished the tournament in 108th place *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 14896 | Rake 0 Board [Ad Jh 6s 3c Ah] Seat 1: KehcaloR (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 2: MrCrabs2000 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: BurnleyJoe showed [2h 5d Kd Ac] and won (14896) with HI: three of a kind, Aces; LO: 6,5,3,2,A Seat 4: circus1977 folded before Flop Seat 6: ronron133 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: joppe2011 showed [Ks 3h Jd 2s] and lost with HI: two pair, Aces and Jacks Seat 8: eclindud folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: Van Kilmer13 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: Where are you playing Tuesday 17th April I'm the first to moan when others luckbox out on me (like in last nights GPS satty), but sometimes I do too and I shouldn't forget it. Won the PL tourney when I didn't even deserve to final table. Sry folks, I'm a luckbox.. that's all. Ship it Mr Joe! :hope

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Re: Where are you playing Tuesday 17th April Gone in the hilo PokerStars Hand #79032895573: Tournament #546367546, $4.00+$0.40 USD Omaha Hi/Lo Pot Limit - Level XVII (600/1200) - 2012/04/17 22:39:39 WET [2012/04/17 17:39:39 ET] Table '546367546 7' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: elburg666 (69944 in chips) Seat 3: BurnleyJoe (5735 in chips) Seat 4: wcwulp (11390 in chips) Seat 5: leonk1968 (5756 in chips) Seat 6: Catwoman2011 (20031 in chips) Seat 7: Knolli77 (20638 in chips) Seat 8: arsenyuss1 (28920 in chips) Seat 9: xxB0falmorxx (1014 in chips) BurnleyJoe: posts small blind 600 wcwulp: posts big blind 1200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to BurnleyJoe [Qd 5h 3h As] leonk1968: folds Catwoman2011: folds Knolli77: folds arsenyuss1: folds xxB0falmorxx: calls 1014 and is all-in elburg666: calls 1200 BurnleyJoe: raises 4535 to 5735 and is all-in wcwulp: folds elburg666: calls 4535 *** FLOP *** [4d 4s 8s] *** TURN *** [4d 4s 8s] [7d] *** RIVER *** [4d 4s 8s 7d] [Ks] *** SHOW DOWN *** BurnleyJoe: shows [Qd 5h 3h As] (HI: a pair of Fours; LO: 8,7,4,3,A) elburg666: shows [2d 2c Th Ac] (HI: two pair, Fours and Deuces; LO: 8,7,4,2,A) elburg666 collected 4814 from side pot elburg666 collected 4814 from side pot xxB0falmorxx: shows [Ah 9h 9d Qh] (HI: two pair, Nines and Fours) xxB0falmorxx collected 2028 from main pot elburg666 collected 2028 from main pot BurnleyJoe finished the tournament in 60th place *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 13684 Main pot 4056. Side pot 9628. | Rake 0 Board [4d 4s 8s 7d Ks] Seat 1: elburg666 (button) showed [2d 2c Th Ac] and won (11656) with HI: two pair, Fours and Deuces; LO: 8,7,4,2,A Seat 3: BurnleyJoe (small blind) showed [Qd 5h 3h As] and lost with HI: a pair of Fours; LO: 8,7,4,3,A Seat 4: wcwulp (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 5: leonk1968 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Catwoman2011 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Knolli77 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: arsenyuss1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: xxB0falmorxx showed [Ah 9h 9d Qh] and won (2028) with HI: two pair, Nines and Fours

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