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Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **finito**


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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED**

I am just waiting to hear back from the person from BlueSq / Grosvenor' date=' as to what other tournaments I will be getting entered in to with the remainder of the GUKPT money![/quote'] These kick off with the iPOPS #2 starting NOW :loon - just found out!!! Also iPOPS #3 on Weds, with the rest to be confirmed :ok
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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** Awaiting final confirmation from Blue Square, but this is potentially the final list of games :ok Sunday 25th March - iPoker $200k Guaranteed - $215 (£135) - 770th / 1062 - $0 returned Saturday 21st April - PPUK Tour leg 1 Newcastle - £110 - 12th / 118 - £180 returned Monday 30th April - iPOPS #2 - $44 (£27) Wednesday 2nd May - iPOPS #3 - $55 (£34) *Friday 4th May - iPOPS #4 - $530 (£326) *Sunday 6th May - iPOPS #5 $500k Gtd - $135 (£85) *Sunday 3rd June - iPoker $200k Sunday Blast - $109 (£67) * awaiting confirmation from BlueSq Totals £784 Bonus tournament Sunday 1st April - iPoker $200k Gtd Sunday Blast - $109 - 1381st / 1890 - $0 returned

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED**

Awaiting final confirmation from Blue Square, but this is potentially the final list of games :ok Sunday 25th March - iPoker $200k Guaranteed - $215 (£135) - 770th / 1062 - $0 returned Saturday 21st April - PPUK Tour leg 1 Newcastle - £110 - 12th / 118 - £180 returned Monday 30th April - iPOPS #2 - $44 (£27) - 486th / 591 - $0 returned Wednesday 2nd May - iPOPS #3 - $55 (£34) Friday 4th May - iPOPS #4 - $530 (£326) Sunday 6th May - iPOPS #5 $500k Gtd - $135 (£85) Sunday 3rd June - iPoker $200k Sunday Blast - $109 (£67) Totals £784 Bonus tournament Sunday 1st April - iPoker $200k Gtd Sunday Blast - $109 - 1381st / 1890 - $0 returned
No joy last night, out 486th - House over House doing the main bulk of the damage, was short and had over pair and 2nd nut flush draw when the flop came down so went with it, but he had flopped a straight and held! The above tournaments are confirmed now - so still to come are: Wednesday 2nd May - iPOPS #3 - $55 (£34) Friday 4th May - iPOPS #4 - $530 (£326) Sunday 6th May - iPOPS #5 $500k Gtd - $135 (£85) Sunday 3rd June - iPoker $200k Sunday Blast - $109 (£67) :hope :hope :hope
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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED**

Wouldn't it be easier to play both IPOOP 5 and Blast on one day? (unless you can't handle 2 MTTs at the same time :p). That's what I will be doing anyway :ok.
I was offered 3rd June / July 1st ("I can do the Sunday Blast events on June 3rd and July 1st") - no mention of a May one, and I can't see one for May in lobby - only June :unsure
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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED**

Great write up Pete' date=' I missed this one before! Good luck with the other events, I reckon your due a good cash mate. Still lmao @ the 27 hand tbh :lol[/quote'] It was just a coincidence I had 27 :lol ... I'd already resolved to 'av im' lol, whatever I got if he raised my BB!! Am definitely going to play the Leeds leg, so might see you there :ok
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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** 22nd in tonight's High Roller for $1,035. Best of the tournaments to cash in obviously, but wasted chance to win more. Crucial hand was flopping top pair v an active, aggressive, villain. 3bet him on flop, but he called with underpair and gutshot. Check, check on turn, pot was ~50k, we both had $25k back, should have shoved (obviosuly in hindsight), and he hit his gutshot on the river, and I didn't believe he had me beat when he bet the river! Sorry guys

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** That equates to £636 by what I have received in my BlueSq account, so we're up to £816 and freerolling the last two. I will send all monies at that point on Monday after the final iPOPS tournament. Let me know how you want it sent back :ok :hope we get the big score I threatened tonight in one of the last 2 :sad

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** Out 2042nd tonight :sad Overpair v Overerpair on the turn. I check-raised him on the flop, and he tanked his time away before calling, turn came small card, I had him on flush draw, didn't want to check to him again and give him free card. If you can all tell me how you want the winnings so far sent to you (Stars, Neteller, Bank, 888 are what I can do), and I will get them sorted (bank would have to wait til Tues obv) Still got a Sunday Blast to come too, first Sunday in June. Cheers guys

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** Stars fine for me, and you can wait until after the final tourney for me. I'm chuffed to get a decent return, especially a net profit - thanks Pete :cigar Hope you enjoyed it - here's to the next one :ok

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **1 tourney to go** So far this hour I have lost 8.5k with JJ, 5bet him pre, he called, flop KQJ, bet out with my trips, he called, turn came a 10 - I check-folded, not beating much that is still around then won 15k v same villain with AQ on AQx44 board lost 2k with QQ v bigger stack who wouldn't go away, and their KJ hit K on river Rollercoaster, but up to 28k :hope

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **1 tourney to go** and out 454th, 288 paid. One person, I must have given her most of her now 80k stack. Every time I had it they had a better it. Feel a bit sick, seriously need to revisit my mid-tournament strategy as I keep getting myself into very promising positions, then blowing it. Utter shit folks, sorry

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