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Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **finito**


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  • Name: Samba_SamPa on PL

  • Stake Requested: £770 - 200 shares of £3.85
  • Event/Tournament: GUKPT leg 3 (Stockton) & GUKPT online 10% legs 2, 3 and 4
  • Offer: 100% payback - 1 share = 0.5% of returns
  • Date of Event/Tournament: 19th March, 13th April, 16th April, 30th April

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Peter Norton agree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days of the tournaments being concluded

bonus tournament hopefully this lot clearer certainly more concise than previous convoluted thread. there are shares available each return monies won over course tournaments. taking at least but no matter how many sold be playing question. can accept transfers via stars neteller or bank transfer. thanks reading questions just holler answer :cheers>

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT Samba - 149 shares McG - 12 shares - £46.20 - received, tyvm ..... £50.16 to pay Rhino_Power - 10 shares - £38.50 - received, tyvm ..... £41.80 paid via Stars SteveDaRake - 14 shares - £53.90 - received, tyvm ..... £58.52 to pay Heniek - 5 shares - £19.25 - received, tyvm ..... £20.90 paid via Stars DasBoot - 10 shares - £38.50 - received, tyvm ..... £41.80 paid via 888

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **32% remaining** For all those who have read the thread previously and thought "I want some of that action, I hope I don't forget about it and miss the start" :p well, the first tournament is tonight (Monday).... don't miss it :lol 4 tournaments, 32% remaining, £3.85 a share, transfers by Stars, 888 or Neteller, 1:1 payback If you're not convinced, I've taken lessons from Harry Truman ("If you can't convince them, confuse them!") so will try this pitch too - the more you learn the more you know. The more you know the more you forget. The more you forget the less you know. So why bother to learn in the first place? :ok

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **29.5% remaining** A whopping 6 people registered for the tournament tonight, with a minimum of 10 needed for it to run. Quite shocked tbh - it's an official GUKPT Side Event with a Champion Of Champions seat for the winner :unsure They've refunded my ticket back to my account, not that it's worth jack if the tourneys never run. I'll get Graeme to get in contact with them and find out if it will be rearranged. I will post, or PM you, as soon as we know more. [ATTACH]2186[/ATTACH]


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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** on 11287.50 at 1st break, from start of 10k. Been as low as 8.4k and as high as 15.7k. Folded for a loss of over 4k 2 hands before break with 44 on a K64 board. He checked, I bet, he reraised, I 3bet, he fired 4bet of 12k chips - I think I have to assume I am behind... well I assumed I was behind anyway - I asked the question of him and he answered emphatically I think :unsure Anyway, not to dwell, I think I made the right decision, onwards and upwards in the 2nd hour :hope

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** 4k at second break. Getting dealt shite, hitting nothing, no moves getting through. Best hand pre- so far has been JJ, and even that got picked off by the K3 caller pre- who also called on the flop with just bottom pair, and hit K to go with it on turn. Positive thinking though. 20k by end of 3rd hour.... :hope :beer

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** RIP 770th / 1062 Obviously no room for anything other trying to get a double up and got blinded down to 10 x BBs when blinds rose. Get 65d in the BB, raise, re-raise before it gets to me. Still tempted as it's the type of hand that's best in these situations, live cards, chance to treble up, but I fold. The other two end up all-in pre-flop. AK v AK. K on flop, I am congratulating myself, 6 on turn and 5 on river then I am not!! Next hand I am in SB I get 76d, raise then call before it gets to me. Think I made a mistake the prev hand, don't want to this hand, slightly better and the type that has more chance with live cards etc etc - same reasoning as prev hand :wall . I shove my 7 x BBs remaining, original raiser shoves for like 13k, and the caller folds. Villain has JJ, so not live cards at all, obviously this time. Flop a 6, but no further help. Back on the horse next Sunday

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** Had phone call from the fella at BlueSq this afternoon, and I am now playing the PPUK Tour Newcastle leg tomorrow. One of the replacements for the GUKPT leg :hope Will try and update as and when I can, but my phone is pretty useless for browsing

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED**

Had phone call from the fella at BlueSq this afternoon, and I am now playing the PPUK Tour Newcastle leg tomorrow. One of the replacements for the GUKPT leg :hope Will try and update as and when I can, but my phone is pretty useless for browsing
GL M8 :hope
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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** Day 1 finished at 1:20am! 14 left, 13 get paid, I reckon I am 9th. On 61,275, Avg is about 84k, blinds are 1.2k/2.4k, 300 ante. Winner gets £3.5k, 13th gets £180 Absolutely fooked, and back there at midday tomorrow, will do a proper write-up tomorrow night or Monday morning

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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED**

Day 1 finished at 1:20am! 14 left, 13 get paid, I reckon I am 9th. On 61,275, Avg is about 84k, blinds are 1.2k/2.4k, 300 ante. Winner gets £3.5k, 13th gets £180 Absolutely fooked, and back there at midday tomorrow, will do a proper write-up tomorrow night or Monday morning
Gl m8
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Re: Stake Request on BlueSq and GUKPT **STARTED** As well you will all know, a lot of the hands just all merge into one when trying to think of how you got x chipstack to y chipstack to z chipstack etc, so the following may not be a 100% accurate description of my 12 hours or so playing, but it will be close to!! Arrived there a little after the 1pm it said to get there for, thanks to what I can only assume was early match traffic going towards the Sports Direct Arena. Get in to the Casino and discover there's hardly anybody there anyway, so my impatience in the traffic jam was in vain. Noticed 2 shiny domes rising above the back of a sofa, watching the match on the big screen, and thought to myself they could be Chromehead and Spitvenom, but didn't really feel it was a good idea going and asking in case they weren't, and I then had to explain my assumption was based on their follicly challengedness :lol Short while later and I noticed another PL T-shirt standing next to me, exchanged introductions and discovered this was ThePokerPad (Mark W) (who was sporting a similar hairdo to the 2 on the sofa!!). He went off to find a cash machine, and I returned to watching the match, only turning around when I heard a voice I recognised saying Samba Pamba (who is this Samba Pamba btw?!) was coming. Turned around and there was Graeme (morlspin) and his fine head of hair... sorry, I mean head of (very) fine hair. The 2 guys from the sofa wandered over, and I had been right in my wonderings - they were indeed Spit and Chrome (John and Pete). The PL contingent was complete when dave488 walked in. Good to see those I had met before (Graeme and Dave) and to meet the ones I hadn't. It's a good job I was rocking the Jon Young (Swampster) look though, to bring the hair average between us up to something approaching national average!! :p We were summoned upstairs for the start to find there were 12 tables in play - 9 in the main poker hall, and 3 out on the landing area. I was seated at Table 12, furthest away from everywhere but the stairs, terrible lighting, next to the loos... not great lol. Also had Mark W on my table. We were told early on that ours would be the first table to be broken as soon as we were down to 110, so it wasn't too bad. No real memorable hands from my time at this table to be honest. I didn't get any decent cards to begin with, and remember telling myself I was going to have to stop folding my 7- and 8- highs every once in a while as; a) it's not my game, and b) if I did get a hand and bet I'd win nothing. By the time the table did break I was on about 14k, which with 110 left was some way above average. I drew a seat on table 7. On to Table 7, and I had worked my way up to just over 20k in chips - though, again, I can't think of any particular memorable hand that has stuck with me, that contributed to my chip gain anyway, but there was one hand where I missed out on some value for sure. I get dealt KK, there's a couple of calls before it gets to me, I raise, and get 1 caller. Flop comes K2K :loon ... villain checks, and I eye up his stack - which consists of THREE chips. now I mentioned the poor lighting earlier, and it really bit me on the bum here. I thought he had 2 x orange chips and a blue (1100 total), with blinds being 100/200 I made a weak bet of 1 x BB, reasoning that if he has something he will just shove, and if he doesn't he will fold whatever I have (I wanted to check to trap of course, but there was a voice inside my head telling me you get penalised if you check the nuts? Not sure if I was making that up, or if that is an actual rule??)!! Anyway, he gives a confused look and calls. Now it is my turn to be confused, and I ask him how much he has got... turns out the orange chips were actually pink, and he had 10100, not 1100 :wall .... Turn was obviously inconsequential, and I bet 1000, to which he folds!! He said he had a smaller pocket pair, so I clearly would have gotten some extra off him on the flop! :sad The second hand that has stuck with me happened now, though, and was my only real mistake of the entire tournament (imo, save for the orange / pink confusion). Sat in the SB with QQ at 100/200 blinds (25 ante), there was a raise to 550 from early position and a call from the lady sitting to the right of me, on the button. I reraised to 1550, BB folded, and both the others called. Flop came down 369 (2 diamonds). First to act I bet 3200, early pos fella folded, and the lady reraised me to 9000. I tanked for a couple of minutes, trying to decide on a range, decided she could have 33, 66, 77, 88, TT, JJ or an Axs type of hand with the flush draw and trying to push me off with a semi bluff. Anyway, I decided I wasn't folding QQ here, and a call would be awful, so I shoved for my remaining 17k or so and she snapped me off with 33 for the set. QQ v 33 - board 369. Turn came 9. Then river came... 9 too to give me bigger boat :loon I offered my apologies, however she mustn't suffer bad beats very often, as she clearly wasn't accustomed to them - or, anyway, could she fcuk deal with them!!! Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit for the next fifteen minutes... "I clearly showed I had a set!"... "I knew you had an overpair!"... then she started talking to herself (for my benefit obv)... "if I had shoved instead of raising, would it had have made a difference? Probably not!"... "It was obvious I had a set!"... "Why would you think, 'oh I know I am behind but I'll call anyway'?" [i did try to point out I hadn't called, but she insisted I had, before...] ... "Oh well, it may as well have been a call as I am never folding a set there!" and so it went on. She raised pre-flop a few hands later, and I folded my 62o or whatever it was... "Bah, I was hoping you would be in the pot, I wanted my chips back!"... "never mind, it won't be long before I get them back!"... Not once did she question herself as to whether she should have even been in the pot with 33! Nor did she accept a couple of the others at the table saying there was no way they would have folded as it was a good board for a 77, 88, TT, JJ sort of hand which I had reasoned inwardly when deciding what to do. It was a mixture of irritating hearing he gab on, but mainly it was amusing to be honest :lol That put me up on about 45k, and, obviously, was my pivotal hand of the entire day really - either out, or with about 150 x BBs, by the time the level increased, and an amount of freedom to play how I like to. It was only about 20 minutes after 'the hand', that my noisy neighbour and I found ourselves in the blinds... as the TD came and asked for the BB, and I escaped :lol ... to chuckles from a couple of others at the table, as she wasn't going to get her chips back off me as she had hoped. I laughed, and said I would try not to let my burning ears affect me, and smiled at her. I thought it was best not give a wink too :lol ;) I was moved to Table 5, which was the far end of the poker room. I didn't get dealt any big hands, didn't get myself in any tough spots, just using my stack enough to pick up the odd pot. It was a good table, relaxed, couple of younger (uni, perhaps) lads to my immediate left, and we were chatting about El Clasico that was on the big screen. That table got broken when we got down to 40 players, and I was moved to table 3, immediately to the left of Spit, and opposite AlunB and Chromehead (PL table!). By this time Graeme had had to leave to go to hospital as his littlest one was having breathing difficulties, and TPP and dave488 were both out. There were 2 active players immediately to my left, and a couple of shorter stacks a few to my right, so it was hard to get the chance to make any moves in my absence of anything resembling decent cards. I had about 55k in chips though, so decided I had the time to be patient and observe a little bit, see how I was going to approach things. Just before a break, I was in the BB, and the player to my left shoved utg for about 22k (I think the blinds were 500/1000 a.125). I had not a great hand, but tempting-ish, like A9, AT or so I think. Anyway, not a good enough hand for me to seriously a call and I folded. There was about 30 seconds left of the level, and the dealer got another hand off, dealing me 99 in the SB. It folded round to me, as everybody was just upping and leaving for the break leaving only Spit watching. I raised to about 2800, and he insta-shipped for like 25k total. Into the tank - he has just done this the previous hand, looks like he was trying to either double up or bust out before the break a bit. I was probably deliberating for 2-3 minutes, tossing different ideas about in my head, before making a decision: fold! lol! I just decided I already had a more than decent stack, I had plenty of play in it, and I didn't need this tough spot - if I called and was wrong to, I'd be down to like 16 x BBs by the time the next level started after the break. I mucked my 99 face up, and he looked a bit pissed off but said 'nice fold', and showed me his QQ :cigar We walked away from the table with him asking how I folded, anybody else would have doubled him up, and we returned after the break he was already at his seat, and was asking me again what made me fold! Blinds were now 600/1200 a. 150, and this was the level when the hand that Spit mentioned in the other thread happened. As I mentioned earlier the 2 lads to my left were active, regularly in pots, quite aggressive, particularly the one who was to be villain in the hand. I was in the BB, hadn't looked at my cards yet, and the utg+1 person raised to 2500 (the almost min-raise was very much his MO for entering pots pre-flop!). I decided, before looking at my cards, that if it folded to me I was 3-betting him. Sure enough it folded to me, I thought I better look at my cards before firing the 3-bet, and saw 72s staring back at me. I nearly just let him have it, but gave myself an inward slap lol, and decided this wasn't about cards, this was about not letting another one of his min-raises get through. I counted out some chips, and 3-bet him to 6200. He tanked for a couple of minutes, stacked some chips, and 4-bet me to 13200!! I didn't just want to ship my chips in, just in case my read was wrong and he had a monster, but I knew straight away I wasn't folding - I had him pegged as a good player, and I was confident I could get him to fold JJ for sure, possibly even QQ, in the face of betting which made it obvious I had a monster. I pulled out some chips, and announced a raise to 23500. I was confident this made me look strong, I still had about 30k behind and knew myself I would obviously fold to a 6-bet shove, but was sure it would look like I was pot-committed and was betting for value, hoping he would do so. He tanked, looked pained lol, for 3 or 4 minutes, checked his cards, checked his stack, checked my stack, checked his cards again, the mucked them. Pheweeee :lol I did want to show my cards, but I really never do, very very rarely anyway, but did make sure I let Spit see - otherwise nobody would have believed what I had :lol That saw me up to about 70k, and I hit a peak of 75k, above which I never managed to venture. Spit had worked his 14k stack up to over 80k, without, it seemed, any more than 1 or 2 showdowns. He's due a rename to Stealthvenom I think :lol because, thinking back, I really don't know how he done it :clap When we were down to 20 left, our table was broken, and Spit and I ended up on Table 1, sat in exactly the same positions (him to my immediate right). Spit was one of 2 'Shoal Survivors' remaining, the winner of which would receive a £110 entry into one of the remaining 3 legs this year. Unfortunately he would go out shortly before the cash, and at the hands of the other remaining Shoal Survivor!! An almost identical hand to the one I had had earlier in the day - John had QQ, had 3-bet a raise and a call pre-flop, and was called. Flop came 368 (the flop in my instance was 369!!!), Villain checked, John bet, Villain 3-bet, John shoved, Villain called. Board 368 and it was QQ v 66 :( ... John didn't get the good fortune I received earlier, and he was out, as the Villain had him covered by about 600 chips :wall I found myself in a really tough scenario, where I had a comfortable enough stack, but found it impossible to try and build on it in receipt of shitty cards. There were shorter stacks who were shoving (I would imagine) quite wide, hoping for a double. Then there were a couple of bigger stacks, who I didn't want to tangle with unnecessarily. I found myself down from a peak of around 74/75k to hovering between the 62-65k mark as we hit the bubble with 14 left. The clock was paused with 10 mins left, and all 7 on my table wanted to agree to take £100 off the top for the person who bubbled. The TD said new procedures were he couldn't ask for a verbal vote, we each had to receive a red-suited card and a black-suited card - if we agreed to the bubble pay we were to slide our black card, face down, into the centre of the table. If we didn't agree, we were to slide the red card in. There was a red card in the middle of the other table (really! For £100 off almost £3600!!!) and so the discussion ended there. Everybody did, however, want to play until the bubble popped, but the TD said it wasn't happening, a 4 was drawn and there were to be 4 further hands that day. On the final hand, from the other table, came an All-in and a Call! They were instructed to keep their cards face down whilst we finished our hand, after which they turned them on their backs. Shorty with Q5s, against the caller with AQo. 2 spades on the flop, and a 3rd on the river meant we would finish the day with 14, and not in the cash yet!! I had 61k remaining, and from what I could make out was in 9th place. Returning on Day 2, blinds were 1.5k / 3k a.400. I was 6th of 7, stack-wise on my table. We were informed by the TD that it had been agreed that whoever went out on the bubble would receive entry into the Goliath in August, so at least nobody was going away empty handed :clap Not much action on my table, but there was on the other where most of the shorties were. A few 'all in and call's, but every time the shortie would double!! AK > AJ... KT > AA (!!).. AJ v AK... it seemed like it was destined I would come 14th lol. Then it burst, again on the other table, when a shortie ran a smaller Ace into AK, which held. So we were itm!! Money jumps weren't really significant until the top 5 really, so it was time to stop being nitty and try and get some chips. By this time I was 12 of 13 with all the doubles on the other table, with the only shorter stack being a lady 2 to my right. I get dealt 99 in the BB, she shoves from the button. Whereas I folded 99 on the BB in a hand previously, only she had TT and held. So I was now 13th, down to 25k. My next BB, she shoves again from the button - I have A3c, and I am going to call, then the SB calls! I know there's no way I am ahead of him, even if I am ahead of the button shove, and I reluctantly fold. She has AQ and he has TT, so I would have been 3rd of 3 in the race lol. the AQ misses the board, and she exits in 13th, however the 4 clubs on board would have seen me treble up to 75k had I called :wall :wall Next hand I am in the SB and get 75h, it folds to me, I shove, the big stack, and eventual winner, is in the BB and calls with Q8c. No help from the flop, and the Q on the turn seals my fate - 12th for £180!! All in all, except for the one mis-step with the overpair v the set on the flop, I was really happy with how I played. The structure was excellent, and really allows for there to be plenty of play possible - they are well worth playing!! Met some PL'rs I hadn't previously, reached a Day 2 which I hadn't previously (only 1 previous tournament with more than Day 1 lol), and won a little bit for the pot for you guys, so an enjoyable weekend. Thanks again for the confidence shown in investing in me, we have the iPOPS #5 to come soon, where the final 27 jet off to Barcelona to finish the tourney, so fingers crossed!! (There's a possibility I'll be moving to Barcelona later in the year, so I should acquaint myself with the local poker establishment really :lol) And I am just waiting to hear back from the person from BlueSq / Grosvenor, as to what other tournaments I will be getting entered in to with the remainder of the GUKPT money!

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