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Deal or NO Deal?


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Certainly shouldnt be outlawed in my opinion. Its just like trading out on betfair. Give up some future earning potential for guaranteed equity. I have been offered a couple of final table deals live in my time that i would have been crazy to turn down. I dont always deal as like the heads up to matter but its each to their own. If its too good to refuse then why would you? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

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Re: Deal or NO Deal? With a couple of provisos, I have no problem with deals. Provisos: Nobody should be made to feel obligated to make a deal. If anybody says "no" that should be the end of the matter, and the other players should just accept it. If the organizers of a tournament want to outlaw or restrict deals for whatever reason, then that's their right, and I wouldn't argue (at least if they said so beforehand and didn't impose the condition on players who might reasonably have thought that they would be able to make deals). That doesn't mean I'd always think their decision was the right one, but it's their tournament and I'd live with it.

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