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Starting to play poker again after a long break.


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I haven't played poker for about 2 years. I stopped playing because I found I was struggling to let go of bad beats. It was really effecting my game as I would go on tilt or over bet pots not wanting to get out drawn. I used to play on Full Tilt and now that's gone any tips on which site to play on? I mainly play Sit n goes but also some tourneys and a bit of cash. Any tips for getting back into playing again as I'm sure the game has moved on big time?

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Re: Starting to play poker again after a long break. If you want to dip your toe in a PL game on the cheap, we've a 10c series running on Poker Stars at the moment. You'll need to apply to join the PL Home Game Club. It's a different type of game every night, so check it's ok for you before you try a particular night (some variant games as well as NLHE). Although it's cheap, it's still pretty much played like a 'proper' game. :ok As to where's best to play, have a quick look down the threads here in Chat as we get similar starting up threads every so often and I'm sure there'll be some advice previously posted of good sites to start back on.

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