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Staked Scheme: Samba_SamPa; Finished


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  • Name: Samba_SamPa
  • Staked: $80
  • Event/Tournament: Listed below
  • Offer: As per BJs Stake Offer
  • Date of Event/Tournament: Start Thursday 2nd or Friday 3rd Feb 2012 for 7 days (maybe 10 days maximum if you want to just play the Sunday events)
Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Peter Norton agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Freezeouts registered for
  • Fri 3rd Feb - Boylesports $1k added ($22) - 36th of 121 - $0 returned
  • Sun 5th Feb - Pokerstars Sunday Storm ($11) - 15282nd of 37915 - $0 returned
  • Sun 5th Feb - Pokerstars Bigger 11 ($11) - 49

    76th of 20401 - $0 returned

  • Mon 6th Feb - Pokerstars Big 11 ($11) - 4318th of 8664 - $0 returned

    [*=left]Mon 6th Feb - Pokerstars $20k Gtd ($5.50) - 1618th of 4731 - $0 returned [*=left]Wed 8th Feb - Pokerstars $25k Gtd ($11 rebuy, 2 rebuys taken, $31 total) - 761st of 1066 - $0 returned

And will play Stars tourneys as discussed in PM with the remainder of the funds from Monday, and update with tourney ~s as they start Will keep this post updated with results. nortzledg on Stars ToffeePete on 32Red SambaToffee on Boylepoker

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Re: Staked Scheme: Samba_SamPa

Just trying to get a new PW on netteller' date=' please start i will ship the £51 over mate as soon as started[/quote'] PM'd you mate, Stars will be fine :ok Typical sucky timing from me! I've literally not played one yet, then when I decide I will, they change :eyes lol
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Re: Staked Scheme: Samba_SamPa 121 started, sitting 1st of 102 remaining at the first break. Won a couple of small pots without showdow, lost a couple of small pots likewise. One pot defined the hour though.... Some background, very early on I opened 3x UTG with AQ, called by about 3 or 4 others before the SB raised to 300. I folded, ace high after all, but a couple of the ones who called me also called the 300 bet, plus the person who I would later see as the donk of the table. That hand went to showdown and the pair of they all had mediocre holdings... Fast forward to 40/80 level, and the table donkey opens for 240, folds to me 4th to act. I have 9Js, I want to play hands with this donk, and I like my hand - can flop the world deceptively, and easy to play after the flop - so I call. One of the others off the early hand also calls, before the SB (who was also in the hand early) raises to 600. The donk calls. I want to be in this hand for 360 more v this lot, I call too, as does the other person. Flop comes 78T rainbow :loon SB opens up with a ~1700 bet, the donk folds. I hollywood my call, then the button shoves for his stack (I have him covered). Then the other villain also ships his stack in (he is tourney leader at this point) :nana :nana I, obviously, call, and they have QQ and AA, and I treble up :ok

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Re: Staked Scheme: Samba_SamPa Rivered x-( 22 v AK 36th/121 Damage had been done about 6 hands previously though, 77 v AJ, flop JxJ Left me on 215 chips at 250/500. Got back up to 4k and the 22 x AK hand was for a just over 9k pot. Still would have left short and near the bottom, but with 15 x BBs :sad

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Re: Staked Scheme: Samba_SamPa

Reg'd for $5.50' date=' $20k Gtd at 8pm - tourney #559010561[/quote'] My exit was very much the way things have gone tonight. RIP 1618th of 4731 [ATTACH]1967[/ATTACH] $60.50 spent, $19.50 remaining. Will have a look for something to try and at least get back to level for the staking!!


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Re: Staked Scheme: Samba_SamPa I've taken a rebuy for $10 - all bar one of the rest of the table had, so made value sense so if in the event of a big hand I can maximise it fully. Will play with the intention of not rebuying further, then make a value judgement when it gets to the add-on period :hope [ATTACH]1973[/ATTACH]


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Re: Staked Scheme: Samba_SamPa I rebought once more, but we'll just call it level, and I say thanks for the opportunity. I wasn't going to rebuy again as Mrs Variance wasn't for letting me cash for this staking I don't think!! :( 99 v 33 aipf, board runs x4756 - I even had 4 to a flush by the turn, just to reduce his outs See a flop with T9, flop comes KQJ, get all his chips him with him having A2 :/ turn and river both Ts 77 v AJ on a 7xx board, all diamonds - he raises, I don't him to draw to a flush so put him in, he snaps with a flopped flush! Shove with JJ pre-flop, folds to the BB who snaps with AA Enough of the sob-stories, shit happens, just sorry it happened whilst I was playing with your stakers' money. Thanks again :ok

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