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PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Cancelled with immediate effect


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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan Hi Girls, Congrat.Dexter and good luck to all of you!!! I won't be playing this month as I'm going to Africa so I need all my luck to climb Kilimanjaro, not to be eaten by lions on safari and not to be kidnapped by Somali pirates on Zanzibar :) Hope will be back for Feb.league...

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan

Hi Girls, Congrat.Dexter and good luck to all of you!!! I won't be playing this month as I'm going to Africa so I need all my luck to climb Kilimanjaro, not to be eaten by lions on safari and not to be kidnapped by Somali pirates on Zanzibar :) Hope will be back for Feb.league...
Eeeeeekkkk good luck with that magata.
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan Just seen a post by Gina on facebook saying the league needs more players. I must admit I have been a bit lazy in spreading the word lately. Maybe if all us girls share the event on facebook we can get a few more involved, worth a try at least ;)

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan

Just seen a post by Gina on facebook saying the league needs more players. I must admit I have been a bit lazy in spreading the word lately. Maybe if all us girls share the event on facebook we can get a few more involved, worth a try at least ;)
before confusion comes in here, it is not posted in a group as this is closed, i have posted this on my privat account in status, so yes like I always say we need more players, and really, really urgent. I put this on my status in the hope to motivate some of my friendlist. If each would do this, perhaps we can get it growing, so please girls, all on my friendlist can as well just copy and paste my status, i am fine with this
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan Thanks for the email reminder Gina - just registered for tonight ..... better go make dinner for "him indoors" so I can be sat next to my pc in time :sad I am a slave in my own home ..... but he does the tax return so it's all good ... :clap I get the last laugh in the end :spank !!!!

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan Evening all, Am I right in seeing that it is just a 'page' www.facebook.com/plpoker that is on facebook and not a 'group' you can join like the ladies one was? Just wondering if I have found the right thing (and to try and get my post count up!) Good luck all of you still in the game, it was a fast one tonight and I have certainly learnt I can't concentrate on multi-tabling three games ! :eek

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan great to beplaying the league again, missed it and the company over the Christmas hols though I understand we all need a little brerak every now and again, especially at Christmas. Yep, I too am very, very sorry that the Facebook page has closed as it was far easier to catch up with things on that site. You cannot always get onto all the various fora one knows and is associated with. But i fully understand about supporting PL forum - I am just not very wonderful at posting on any fora... I do worry that something may come across wrong or I have not expressed myself very well, and I don't always have a great deal to say (i find it much easier to have a quick chat in the chatbox!) anyway that I reckon would be of interest to folk, but nevertheless I understand the need to support it and will endeavour to do so. Also I shall try to bring some more folk in but a lot of the poker playing ladies I know are already playing! I would really miss the game if it were not here it has become a part of my regular schedule! (I do understand though that some folk cannot commit at certain times because of work or family concerns but they always come back, don't they?!) I certainly think that sharing it on Facebook is a good idea - I used to do that and shall return to doing so. Mind you, when feeling low in confidence I feel it just shouts out "Valooooooo" LOL! But I think it would be a good way of advertising the game and hopefully bring more folk in. See you all next Tuesday folks!

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan PS: LOL Sorry, I forgot, I did have a couple of queries, but forgot to mention them. I am afraid I was wondering what has happened to the Weekly prizes, remembering we got new supplies in to top up the originals? Or have I missed reading something? Apols if I have. Also, when are we going to nominate and vote for, or whatever, the "Player of the Year" Award, the lovely bracelet? There could be so many categories, lol.

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan You sound just like me Helen, I will sit and type something then delete it to start again because i think it might sound stupid,lol. Is there a proper group on fb? Never thought of looking on there even though i log in every day. I like this PL but would be nice to be on FB too as i only come on here when i have time to sit & go through it all, where as fb is like things at a glance :D

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan Sue, there was a group on facebook and pretty much all of us were memebers. It has shut down this week to encourage us all to come on to this forum. It's fair enough - Punters Lounge need the support/membership and if we don't use the forum we run the risk of losing our league. That would be awful :sad! The only real reason I miss the fb group was for the reminders because I work from home so have fb on my pc in the background all day and the nudges I used to get made me register for the games in time. gina has been very good and emailed us all a reminder on fb today so that was brill :clap However I too have found a Punters Lounge page and "liked" it - they will do reminders too but like everyone else I haven't found a group to join. If Graeme or Gina can point one out I'll be in but otherwise we might be stuck with having to remember! I have put the dates on my white board to see if that helps! If anyone I'm not already friends with on FB want to to connect then look me up - I'm Debjani Duncan. You'll have to tell me who you are either by pokerstars or punters lounge name as I only accept requests from people I "know". I'd hate to inadvertently ignore one of you! :loon

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 3 Tues 24th Jan Well done Suzanne. :clap plstarsladies190112.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us League table updated. :ok I'm sorry I'm no help on the facebook information as I am the last known female in the universe not to be registered on there. :lol I do know Punters Lounge are on there too (not Punters Lounge Poker) but no idea if that's any different format to the one you've found. I'm not sure though why the ladies one would have been set up differently to those.

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 3 Tues 24th Jan @ Facebook questions, no the Punters Lounge Poker is not the right group as it is even smaller than ours was, and as far I understood right hopefully all small PL groups get closed, so not much sense joining it, when it will vanish as well this week. There is a huge PL group with over 1000 members http://www.facebook.com/punterslounge And as we just got closed yesterday, I think the big group will need time to get used to it that we are integrated there, and that most of us hate using calendars, and even though they have forgotten today, I am sure they will put a post about the game on from last week just like Graeme said. We all should be patient, as new things always need a while to work good Ladies do not worry, we will manage with reminders. I will just go ahead like today @ Snoopster there are two fotos for you with each 4 different colours, could you please choose one, thank you very much on the first foto, only two colours are seen good, i think you have to crawl into the screen to see the other two colours in the background good sorry 1pmq_ad8_u0.jpgUploaded at ImageFra.me 1h30_933_u0.jpgUploaded at ImageFra.me

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 2 Thurs 19th Jan

You sound just like me Helen' date=' I will sit and type something then delete it to start again because i think it might sound stupid,lol. Is there a proper group on fb? Never thought of looking on there even though i log in every day. I like this PL but would be nice to be on FB too as i only come on here when i have time to sit & go through it all, where as fb is like things at a glance :D[/quote'] Yep, exactly, Sue! LOL! Good post re: ease of reading on FB. I like belonging to the various poker fora but like you say you need time to read various threads, posts, etc. But it would be nice for us all to have more chats/discussions on here, and that is certainly happening now! great!
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 3 Tues 24th Jan Hi Ladies I'm going to address your concerns hopefully in full in this post after numerous emails, pm's, messages on facebook and elsewhere, to not only save me time but to make it known to all members too. Facebook The facebook ladies group was removed as we are streamlining the whole of PL in the forthcoming weeks, the PL Poker page will also be going within the next few days As of monday 23rd Jan, PuntersLounge will be changing, with more functionallity, easier usage and a better layout. This will be better for everyone concerned. Please bare with us till then. I will post reminders on every few days, if people want to join that page, then please do so here https://www.facebook.com/punterslounge :ok At the end of the day, this is a PuntersLounge sponsored league, not a Facebook league, and if members dont visit because they are getting the information elsewhere, theres not much point in us running it. Prizes 1) There has been concern that if the ladies league were to stop, what would happen to the stock received, well thats simple. I am meeting with Pokerstars next week in London, this will be discussed with them and what happens after that will not be published publicly, but dealt with between both companies. A lot of the stock we have will never be used, the sizing of some stock is US 4, 6 and 8, and after trying it on my neice who is 9, it dosent even fit her...... 2) Outstanding Prizes will all be sent very shortly, a couple of problems have arisen at our end and these are almost sorted, we do apologise for the delay but players can rest assured, they will receive all outstanding prizes. PuntersLounge Ladies Member of the Year Award The voting for this was going to be posted on the 1st anniversary of the ladies league. I'll instead set that thread up today, for people to vote until the end of Jan 2012. The winner will receive a Pokerstars Swarovski Crystal Bracelet. Members will be asked to vote for players not only because players are good at poker, but for help during the leagues, support of the forum, friendliness and the player they believe deserves the award. Future of the Ladies League Despite numerous advertising and marketing campaigns (pokerstars blog, pl newsletters, advertisement in WPT Poker magazine, emails and facebook), the numbers are very poor. However, the time it's taking to deal with the queries and setting up of the leagues, we are going to discuss this with Pokerstars next week to see where we go from here. PuntersLounge receives no financial gain off Pokerstars for running this league, many of you signed up to pokerstars via different affiliates so we get no help if you play more. We set the league up after discussions with Gina and Pokerstars and for the last 12 months, all costs outside of the prizes have been undertaken by PL. Summary

  • The league will run till the end of the current promotion.
  • All prizes will be sent out very soon.
  • Member of the year will be set up today.
  • PuntersLounge will meet with Pokerstars next week in London regarding the future of the league.
  • Members will be informed of any decisions after the current league ends in Feb.

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 3 Tues 24th Jan

@ Snoopster there are two fotos for you with each 4 different colours, could you please choose one, thank you very much on the first foto, only two colours are seen good, i think you have to crawl into the screen to see the other two colours in the background good sorry
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - Leg 3 Tues 24th Jan yes thank you Snoops, but which of them, there are 4 different ones lol the purple, the blue, the beige, or very much in background green/gold (behind the blue) take your time with decision

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - IMPORTANT - Please read post 49 Just to say that I really enjoy playing with all you ladies, not neccessarily for the prizes but for the enjoyable, chatty, friendly games we have. Would love to continue playing for many months to come in a league, homeclub or otherwise

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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies League - POKERSTARS - IMPORTANT - Please read post 49 The league is now cancelled with immediate effect. Prizes will be honoured and made to players as per the standings are now. I'd like to thank Graeme for all his effort in this, which has been seriously understated. Any future correspondence or votes for the player of the year, should go to [email protected] Thanks for all the ladies who participated. :ok

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