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Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT + Goliath) - Live Tour Dates 2012


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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT + Goliath) - Live Tour Dates 2012

Not sure we have anyone playing the Grand Final this week, but final bump of the thread for info. Have unstickied this thread, but you can find the brand new 2013 GUKPT Schedule stickied at the top the forum or linked here.
Isn't Ed playing this? thought he won the pokerplayer mag freeseat? also the guy in post 28 was sat next to me pretty much all day at the blackpool game, think his name was Mitchell, raised every unraised pot.....git
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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT + Goliath) - Live Tour Dates 2012 On my way down shortly. The guy in post 28 raised a pot on my button I called with pocket 10's 4 other callers. Checked round to me on a QJJ flop bet 3/4 pot and they all folded bar him. Turn card a 2 he stuck the min bet into a pot about 30 times that, I Raised again putting him on A/K he called. River was a 6 he checked I checked knowing A/k was about all I was beating. He showed QQ for flopped full house. Knew he didn't have a jack:\ In fact repping trips on a paired board is something I might leave out of my game this time as it cost me 25% of my stack in Blackpool when I got called by some guy with bottom pair smugly saying he knew I didn't have trip kings.

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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT + Goliath) - Live Tour Dates 2012 All over played really bad for 4 hours then got myself right back in it. raised with ak got re raised i called. 4k in pot k89 flop I Bet 2 k he raises to 5 k I realise to 15k sure he was at it, he put me all in for 15k more took ages to call after deciding he had ak too. He had 89off no help from board and I am gone,

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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT + Goliath) - Live Tour Dates 2012 By the way my chip counts are accurate, believe me I counted very chip twice before calling, the gukpt blog is a few k out on what I had in and what I had left. Got the sleeper down to save some cash on hotels and didnt sleep tired live poker is a no no,I mean I had AK written on my head.

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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT + Goliath) - Live Tour Dates 2012 Guys now chip leader going into final table, might start a live deep stacked tourney thread to work it all out. PL players would be on a massive loss if we added it all up. The 89 raise. was fair enough I had just won 3 of the last 4 pots being very aggressive and we were both 100 bb deep Getting knocked out with one pair on the other hand is pretty poor, explanation to follow.

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