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Rake Back Schemes


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Has anyone on here been involved in one of these? I almost signed up for one with VC poker - their site does them like this.... I had to terminate my original account completely, then I had to download a different version of the VC software from a "hidden" download on their website. This was because the new version of the software could track my rake and the old one couldn't apparently. Once doing this and setting up a new account, the software would track my rake. At the end of every period (3 months I think??? not sure on this) VC would give a lump sum of money to the affiliate running the rake back scheme (this could be anyone - tons of people seem to do them for sites these days - the affiliates are NOT connected with the companys themselves) and it was this guys job to go through the numbers and work out how much each of his clients was due back and what his % cut was. It was then up to him to pay each of his clients what they were due. Now I almost went for this as I generate huge amounts of rake however I thought it a bit dodgy that this guy could basically do a runner with the money if he wanted or even fiddle the figures to underpay people or whatever. However I am still, naturally, interested in a % of my rake back on this or any site. Does anyone on PL participate in one of these schemes? Or does anyone have any plans of becoming one of the affiliates/knows someone who does? Obviously knowing the guy running it would be a big +, it almost happened with one of my mates but alas he decided it would be too much work. Jez

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Re: Rake Back Schemes OK. It seems all the sites use a 3rd party. The one I've been recommended is http://www.raketracker.com/ and using PokerNow as the poker client. These guys pay the cash once a month straight back into your poker account rather than to netteller which I'm told is the norm. It gives you back about 25% of any rake you pay (minus raketracker's fee of about 1% of that) for every hand you play, there's no qualifying amount of hands and/or stake level I'm told. You can also track during the month how much you'll be paid back, and when, via the website. I've not used these guys, but I'm taking it from fairly high stakes players, who have had no problems at all and are very happy with the service, and PokerNow as a poker client.

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