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Sky Poker Tour - Newcastle Leg - SOLD OUT


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  • Name: Mark Weddle (ThePokerPad)
  • Stake Requested: £110 @ 100 shares of £1.10
  • Event/Tournament: Sky Poker Tour Newcastle Leg
  • Offer: 100% paid back = 1 share worth 1%
  • Date of Event/Tournament: December 10th 2011

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I (Mark Weddle) agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. I will be taking 70 shares so there will be 30 shares available. Paypal is prefered payment but can take payment via Stars where my alias is BFA74. 1st prize is estimated to be £4000 with 15 places paid. Tournament capped at 150 players. Stakers: PokerPad 70% (Paid) Andyfmfb 10% (Paid) GoldenJaguar 20% (Paid)

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Re: Sky Poker Tour - Newcastle Leg - 40% Remaining

Cheers Jag. Will reserve 20% for £22. I take it you meant £22 not $22, i can adjust if it is. :) Will be in Vegas from March 19th, would love to meet up for a beer or three.
Im there 12th march till 21st, nearer time well arrange to meet for a beer on the 20th, yeh £22 i meant, $34.60 on xe.com :)
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Re: Sky Poker Tour - Newcastle Leg - SOLD OUT Sorry guys got knocked out. Was card dead from the start, no pairs and only 1 ace before first break. About 20 mins after break got AQ, had stack of about 3k by then, already 1800 in pot, I pushed and got called by Morls with AK. At least the chips went to one of our players.

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