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APAT European Amateur Poker Champs (Brighton) - 21st/22nd Jan 2012


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Just a quick reminder (although I see most of my fellow south-coast'ers have already seen it) that a reserved list is now available on APAT and there will be satellites & direct buyins as follows on 888: Dec 12 – Satellite to European Amateur Poker Championship – $10 + $1 – 8pm Dec 13 – Satellite to European Amateur Poker Championshp – $20 + $2 – 8pm Dec 14 – Direct buy in via 888poker.com – $120 Quite a few of us have been campaigning for a South Coast event for some time now, didn't want any of you to miss out as will no doubt sell out pretty quick.

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Re: APAT European Amateur Poker Champs (Brighton) - 21st/22nd Jan 2012 No luck in the satellites (tonights was only $10 not $20 btw, guessing set up wrong), although a bit disallusioned by poker altogether at the moment so played it super aggressively (if you can't beat donkeys catching, join them). Worked for a while but looks like I'll be buying in. Apat members, don't forget to nominate/vote for your favourite forum :ok

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Re: APAT European Amateur Poker Champs (Brighton) - 21st/22nd Jan 2012 Thx guys/girls, the support is (spoiler alert: was) very much appreciated. Decked out in the Punters Lounge/GCasino Polo Shirt both for luck and to spread the word of just how awesome this place is, but sadly on this occasion I was neither worthy of wearing it nor worthy of representing the forum. Just didn't live up to the quality of players that the PL brand represents. Sorry everyone. :( Busted after approx 3 to 3.5 hours, inbetween the first break & dinner, just couldn't get anything going. 107th/124. The scene was however pretty much set from the first hand I decided to play. Folded first few circuits due to lack of anything remotely paired, connected, suited or otherwise worthy of getting creative with. Decided a nice looking AJo from MP was a good first candidate to open with in lieu of anything else coming along and was a little surprised to get 2 (maybe 3) callers especially considering my tight image but it seemed every hand was becoming multiway on the flop. Flop.. 7JA rainbow... bingo! top 2. I check to disguise the strength & to hopefully get someone to lead out. 1x raise, other(s) folds, I call (in hindsight I think this is where I should've re-raised to see where exactly I stand). Turn the 7h.. bugger! It's ofc feasible that my opponent raised speculatively after hitting the 7 on the flop, I pretty much discount pocket aces at this stage as no re-raise pre and pocket 7's for quads also unlikely now, although cards such as KQ remain a threat and now 2x hearts to a flush. I decide to check/call in an attempt to pot control and then will decide on the river whether I think I'm still ahead (which I do still believe at this stage). River brings a low non-paired card but it's a 3rd heart. Happy that there's no broadway out there but still trip 7's and flush to worry about. I decide against leading out and would happily check-check for showdown but opponent puts in what stinks of a value-sized bet and after tanking for a few seconds I decide (rightly or wrongly) theres as much value in making the call as in folding. Opponent shows the (I think T high or Q high) flush & I'm down to 7.6k, but still deep on 100/50 blinds. This theme pretty much continues however, I don't see any monsters, I limp 66 once and miss, I open with TT only to fold on a AKx flop to a raise in front with still one person to action behind me. I open with KQ but have to fold to multiple calls and an Ace high flop. Manage to win a few small pots, but after having to lay down a couple more hands, I find myself short-stacked. I bide my time looking for good spots and decide against shoving 55 on a raised pot only to see everyone else fold, the big blind folds & shows 43 and the UTG raiser flips over 22, sigh but lol. Eventually with my 10bb effectively becoming smaller due to ante's kicking in, I move allin (ironically) with AJo, get called by AK and I'm off down the pier to throw myself in (only joking ;) ) GG. Gl to any PL'ers still in, wondered in Debs (Quasar) might be playing, but couldn't see her.

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Re: APAT European Amateur Poker Champs (Brighton) - 21st/22nd Jan 2012 Thoughts, suggestions, alternative views of the first AJ hand would be very much appreciated. Don't hold back, I want to explore all other possible ways of playing this hand. I'm pretty sure I played it poorly, just not too sure where. Will review again myself in the cold light of day and with a clearer head :ok

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Re: APAT European Amateur Poker Champs (Brighton) - 21st/22nd Jan 2012 UL bart - I feel for you and certainly know how frustrating a day like that can be. Chin up - it is only poker and you will live to fight another day (and play other tournaments). Not everyone can win anyway - this is the nature of the game we play. Re: AJ hand. You did not say the bet sizes etc..but assuming they are of a reasonable size pf then i dont think you can complain too much as everyone is deep at this stage and this is the nature of this type of tournament - people are trying to see as many flops as possible hoping to stack someone ealry on with less than premium hands. If anything your tight image played into this as they have you on a narrow range. I think the mistake you made (and hey some of us may check the flop to trap) was not to lead out. I think leading out has to be done here due to the number of opponents in the hand and that there is a straight draw on the board. In this case it is better to win a small pot than lose a big one. Also, you mention that you lost to either a q or t high flush. What was the other card - it could be that the villain had many outs i.e kq, qt,,,hence the action and certainly an explainable pf call. Anyway, Bart it is all a learning process....I am sure you will learn from it and be a better player for it.......for now enjoy some drinks....:beer

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Re: APAT European Amateur Poker Champs (Brighton) - 21st/22nd Jan 2012 Thx Andy that's exactly the type of feedback I'm looking for and you've already raised some great points :ok. Anything that helps me to think over the hand and explore all other possibilities is very much appreciated. Will have a think through these properly tomorrow sometime. :cheers Others welcomed. Just quickly to clarify: (a) looking solely to help improve my own better understanding, reading of situations, putting opponents on ranges and narrowing down the best/optimum resulting action(s) for myself in given situations. (b) enjoyment of a game is still priority for me over results/cashes/wins, but hopefully the more I understand, the more I enjoy and if results follow that's a bonus, but happy (well content) without them lol. © not looking to moan, assign blame, or put my opponent down in any way. Actually a really nice friendly guy, bound to be hugely more experienced than myself and genuinely interested in understanding his thinking too. (d) had a nice time, good to get out of the house and makes a real change playing live. Hard to remember exactly due to old age and lack of HH but think betting was along the lines of: Blinds = 100/50 no ante (definately). Pre = I raised to 250 (people were generally raising between 250 & 300). Definately 2 callers, can't remember if there was a 3rd or not :\ Assumed pot circa 800 (3xplayers plus sb). Flop = Opponent raised 400 (I think) Assumed pot circa 1.6k Turn = Opponent raised 600 (pretty certain on this) Assumed pot circa 2.8k River = Bet of 1k (pretty certain on this) This fits in with roughly what I lost on the hand and actually having written it out in black & white, I'm now seeing incredible strength in his betting pattern. Maybe it was actually QhTh and he was playing multiple outs? Thought at first it was something like Qh5h, but could well have got it wrong.

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Re: APAT European Amateur Poker Champs (Brighton) - 21st/22nd Jan 2012

Good luck to Brian Martin (BAM) he is the current chip leader going into day 2:hope
Is this a Brian facebook blag? :unsure According to the APAT site, the chip stacks are: table 1 Siamak 56100 Matt Carter 52500 James Barber 109300 Mark Davidson 39200 Sharon ROberts 43600 Mike Johns 32100 Catfalin Predesou 39200 Martin Sider 68700 table 2 Lewis Keeble 67800 Marie Sherwood 53700 Asa McGrath 11800 Jon Woodfield 31600 John Murray 22900 Gary Hollands 54700 Michael Brock 56400 Denis Corcoran 60800 table 3 Tony Johnson 66100 JP Round 54800 Ben Burnhill 46500 Jonathan Walker 72600 Ian Thompson 38800 Vikrum Mehta 72000 Jenny Sherman 22100 Neil Roake 65900 1000-2000 when they resume at 2.30pm tomorrow, with Brian exiting just before midnight yesterday:
Reply #149 on: January 21, 2012, 11:46:59 pm » [url=http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?action=post;quote=168150;topic=10283.135;num_replies=167;sesc=4fb2b5afd5cc018f6aec581ddc09c5cf]
Martin Sieder raises and Brian Martin shoves for 27,000 more Brian has been in three bet shove mode for quite a while, anxiously looking to maintain a playable stack and hopefully a double up The shove frequency persuades Sieder, playing 60,000 to call with A-7 Good call, as Martin has 9-10 A-7 holds, Martin is out and Sieder goes over 90,000
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