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What's your favourite horse(s) in training?

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Everyone's got one or two. They dont have to be the horse which has won you the most money (mine certainly aren't) they're just the horses which for whatever reason over the years you have developed a soft spot for. I've got 2 who l absolutely love. Lough Derg and General Tufto. Lough Derg is the horse who probably got me into racing seriously. His attitude in a finish is second to none and the way he battled back in the long walk hurdle at Ascot 2 or 3 years ago absolutely melted me. He's just got the heart of a lion and you always know who ever beats him is going to be in a hard race. Even Big Bucks had to be niggled along briefly in the fog at Ascot last year if I remember correctly. General Tufto is just one of those good old sticks that is certainly never going to be anythin better than what he is now. He wins when he's dropped to a mark in the mid 80's and not a minute before. Loves it round Southwell and often runs like a drain when he's carrying a couple of pounds above what he wins off but as soon as he's dropped to the correct mark he often pings in at a huge price. No airs or graces about him and it's almost like he's saying to everyone "no, no, no im NOT gonna run a good race until you get this extra 2lb off my back"

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Re: What's your favourite horse(s) in training? You can probably guess... Jumpers always have more affection in my heart. Lough Derg is an obvious horse whose love is widespread really. Monet's Garden also. I just love Time For Rupert's attitude, having followed most of his career so far. Even in novice and handicap hurdles I loved him, so to have a genuine chance at a Gold Cup has been a great adventure to follow as a supporter of his. I think the fact Paul Webber isn't the most fashionable trainer (for all he does have some decent horses) and Will Kennedy in a similar position as jockey adds to the romance. He's just game, jumps well, and is honest. That's what you want to see in a horse. To see him put in plenty of quality in his races is another bonus and I'll be gutted when his career comes to an end. For me, there are flat horses I do like, but to put a rather sombre tone to the matter, I'd move on fairly quickly if they suffered a fatal injury. Touch wood it won't happen to Rupert, but I'd be genuinely saddened should he come to such fate. I can't even imagine what it's like for owners - moreso if they only have one 'stable star' as it were.

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Re: What's your favourite horse(s) in training? In our house The Tatling takes centre stage on the living room wall at the moment, thats the place reserved for the current fav. We have followed him since his early days and never thought he would still be running at 14, had a nice day with trainer Milton Bradley talking him about at Leicester last season and will remain one of our favs until he retires. Other horses we have up on other walls are Knowhere, Hold Em, Ho Ho Ho, Yellowstone, Big Bucks and of course Monets Garden. I do seem to be attracted to greys and Neptune Collonges is another we like, of horses in training and of the younger brigade, we follow all of the Magern's and Billie is fast becoming a favourite, their courage and attitude are second to none, I heard the other day that Ollie Magern has a sister in training, Patsy Magern trained by Fergal O'Brien, cant wait to see her! Spot on the wall reserved:lol

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Re: What's your favourite horse(s) in training? European Dream trained by Richard Guest. Had my biggest ever win on him at Newcastle back in 2005 or 2006, Daryll Holland rode it in a huge field at Newcastle over a mile, was stone last with 2 furlongs to go in a 28 runner field and won the race by 5 or 6 lengths, best day ever!!! He won again the other day, but i didnt know he was running... 11/1 and all :cry

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Re: What's your favourite horse(s) in training? I have a soft spot for Diamond Harry - I have followed him and loved it when he won the Hennessy last year.I also love Imperial Commander but I think he is crocked this season. My older favourites were Docklands Express and Best Mate

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Re: What's your favourite horse(s) in training?

I think the fact Paul Webber isn't the most fashionable trainer (for all he does have some decent horses
He isn't popular because punters and owners know he cannot be trusted. He along with one of the Sherwood brothers decided to pull a con job when selling one of his horses to a potential owner.Everytime his potential owner made a bid Sherwood would make a counter bid therefore increasing the sale price for Webber , who acted as a bloodstock agent. Sorry to divert slightly from OP , but this forum is dedicated to helping punters with gambling tips and mine is that he cannot be trusted. I try to avoid backing his horses whenever possible. Back to OP , have to agree with BH , The Tatling , if only more horses ran with as much enthusiasm. Was gutted for the horse when twice he narrowly failed to win the L'Abbaye.Hope he continues and wins more races.I recall a horse called "??? Sailor " a winning 15 Yr old chaser lets hope The Tatling can match that feat of the sprint course. Over jumps it has to be Kauto Star. I've followed him since he first came here.He was the horse which Ruby fell off and remounted to come second , resulting in the curent no remounting rule.He is a totally consistant horse with wins in each season. Lets hope this continues with more Cheltenham festivals ahead.Would very much like to see this fan favorite to carry on racing to the same age as The Tatling by cleaning up in races like the Cheltenham Fox Hunters Chase , Whitbread , Welsh National and even the Grand National.
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Re: What's your favourite horse(s) in training?

I have a soft spot for Diamond Harry - I have followed him and loved it when he won the Hennessy last year.I also love Imperial Commander but I think he is crocked this season. My older favourites were Docklands Express and Best Mate
Yes you are right Imperial commander is out. The Best Mate years were very special :ok
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Re: What's your favourite horse(s) in training? In training now for me would have to be CUE CARD. Yipp got very burnt fingers in the SNH at Cheltenham but that's racing, he's still a fine horse and alot of trainers know Mr Tizzard is a lucky man. I also have a big soft spot for Steps to Freedom, once with Mr Gordon Elliot but now with Mrs Jessica Harrington.

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Re: What's your favourite horse(s) in training? I don't have too many horse's that I have a major soft spot for that are currently in training except for one: Chief Dan George - got a couple of very nice e/w tips for this horse when it was trained by one of our local trainers here in the Borders, it placed at some very tasty prices in it's NHF and novice days. From then on (I obviously) had a major soft spot for the horse and it was a great day when it beat Wichita Lineman at Aintree as it was good to see him go on to better things when trained by James Moffatt as I know the local lads thought very highly of the horse although they never quite managed to get the best out of him. :ok

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Re: What's your favourite horse(s) in training?

Dont know if you would remember Sonny Somers' date=' he won 2 chases at 18!!![/quote'] I'm afraid not but i'm sure you'll recall Quixall Crosset.He was racing up until the ripe old age of 16 . He even has his own website.http://www.quixall-crossett.co.uk/quixallcrossett1.htm If only Betfair was around a decade earlier !
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