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Stealing chips whilst there are disconnections


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Just played the PaddyPower Premiership Bounty and won, also took the bounty in the process. This ain't why I am posting though. I got heads up with a player called BobWaters27 and got the dreaded message to say that my connection to the server had been lost, this happened 5 times during heads up and the opponent started nicking my chips as soon as this happened. Fortunately my system reboots in about 90 secs so was able to just get back in the game just before I had lost all my chips. Managed to get to chip leader before they took my chips leaving me a 2-1 underdog. I managed to turn this round 5 times getting back it to win it at the end, every disconnection left me very shortstacked. I now feel a sense of justice in it all. Just looking to see what other opinions are when this happens as myself I usually give the player a chance to reconnect.

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Re: Stealing chips whilst there are disconnections Heads up I usually tend to slow up a little to allow them time to reconnect (not really fair on others if still full table though), but if they don't reappear within reasonable timescale then i just keep raising to end it, otherwise the game would just never end. Two exceptions to the above being: 1. If the guy had been a complete a.hole or verbal nightmare, then their chips are fair game imo and I'd steal as quick as possible. 2. As per hen, I would never knowingly blind out a fellow PL'er, I would rather sitout myself or keep folding the sb until they returned. Well played on getting the win, awesome comeback :ok

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Re: Stealing chips whilst there are disconnections

I will be stealing like fok and wont blink. Only exception is against other PLers or friend.
Ditto :ok Most opponents outside PL games would do exactly the same to you, so get your retaliation in first ;)
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