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£2000 added Gala Leeds October


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The next £2000 added tournament at Gala Leeds will be held on Saturday 29th October at 5 pm. £20 + £4 reg fee. One £20 re-buy allowed. 5000 point stack. 25 minute clock. 202 players last month, £9700 in the pot. That's got to be worth a punt for £20. This is always a popular tournament, seats can be reserved at cash desk or by phone. Just call us on 0113 3893700 and ask to be put through to cash desk. To keep up to date with all the latest events, promotions and results check out our cardroom website on https://sites.google.com/site/galacardroomleeds

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Re: £2000 added Gala Leeds October

The next £2000 added tournament at Gala Leeds will be held on Saturday 29th October at 5 pm. £20 + £4 reg fee. One £20 re-buy allowed. 5000 point stack. 25 minute clock. 202 players last month, £9700 in the pot. That's got to be worth a punt for £20. This is always a popular tournament, seats can be reserved at cash desk or by phone. Just call us on 0113 3893700 and ask to be put through to cash desk. To keep up to date with all the latest events, promotions and results check out our cardroom website on https://sites.google.com/site/galacardroomleeds
Remind me through the week :ok How long have alternates/late buyins got?
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Re: £2000 added Gala Leeds October

Sorry Bob, can't make this one, got something else on same day which I'm a bit gutted about, thoroughly enjoyed the last one. (Is that how you spell 'thoroughly', doesn't look right to me :$ )
that is correct mate :ok
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Re: £2000 added Gala Leeds October Went down there today and there was good turnout. 265 entrants (250 + alternates), but no sign of any other PL'ers (99.9% eh?). Out just before the 2nd break (level 8, 25 min levels), with blinds at 600/1200 (no antes :ok) when I ignored the warning signs of a QJ9 flop, and C-bet my AA for a pot-sized all-in, after my opening UTG raise to 3,200 had been called by 2 opponents - and walked in to a flopped straight - oops :unsure Poker Player Leeds winner, Gary Hill, was on my table, but I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before. Despite the high numbers, there's room to move in the room, and you don't actually feel hemmed in. Very warm though, so no need to wear hoodies :ok

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Re: £2000 added Gala Leeds October

Went down there today and there was good turnout. 265 entrants (250 + alternates), but no sign of any other PL'ers (99.9% eh?). Out just before the 2nd break (level 8, 25 min levels), with blinds at 600/1200 (no antes :ok) when I ignored the warning signs of a QJ9 flop, and C-bet my AA for a pot-sized all-in, after my opening UTG raise to 3,200 had been called by 2 opponents - and walked in to a flopped straight - oops :unsure Poker Player Leeds winner, Gary Hill, was on my table, but I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before. Despite the high numbers, there's room to move in the room, and you don't actually feel hemmed in. Very warm though, so no need to wear hoodies :ok
UL Ste :sad It was impossible for us to get baby sitter:eyes It is a lovely card room though :ok
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Re: £2000 added Gala Leeds October

Went down there today and there was good turnout. 265 entrants (250 + alternates), but no sign of any other PL'ers (99.9% eh?). Out just before the 2nd break (level 8, 25 min levels), with blinds at 600/1200 (no antes :ok) when I ignored the warning signs of a QJ9 flop, and C-bet my AA for a pot-sized all-in, after my opening UTG raise to 3,200 had been called by 2 opponents - and walked in to a flopped straight - oops :unsure Poker Player Leeds winner, Gary Hill, was on my table, but I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before. Despite the high numbers, there's room to move in the room, and you don't actually feel hemmed in. Very warm though, so no need to wear hoodies :ok
i was there mate went out about level 7 did text you but just checked and i put wrong number in me phone :spank:spank:spank
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Re: £2000 added Gala Leeds October

unlucky Steve, do you think you could have got it through with a 4xBB raise utg? maybe have got one of the 2 out the hand beforehand
Unsurprisingly, I did mull over my bet size after the event - the button had been very active, with plenty of re-raises seing off the original raiser, and I was out to win more than just the blinds. Button did come along for the ride, and open folded 88, but it was the UTG+1, who had committed about 25% of his chips to call, who was my nemesis. My worry about a 3.5 to 4 x BB raise was that it would have killed all possible action - action that I felt I needed. The general opening raise at the table had been 2.5 to 3 x BB, and I didn't want to come across as quite as strong as AA. Of course, immediately afterwards, I wish I'd just shoved it all in pre-flop :lol
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