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Goldenjaguar`s 100% Virgin ROI challenge


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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% ROI challenge

cladach 60$2 $2 2727%$97 Tilt71PacificSch. Only 888Poker x
glceud 1$0 $0 0%$0 -55iPokerSch. Only x
glceud53 61$1 $4 -18%$49 -59IPNSch. Only x
glglceud 36$5 $14 -67%$162 -68iPokerSch. Only x
lastime1 1$307 $89 323%$307 -94iPokerSch. Only x
3rd one is my Virgin one were I have a negative ROI but show a profit:\ Other two are, I would imagine, my best ROI and Ability marks I know I have -100% ROI graphs and 50 ability ratings and not too sure where my biggest total profit and losses would be found Good luck with this but I think it will be pretty close to impossible over such a large sample:(
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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% ROI challenge Probably isn't this simple but..........to improve 12% over 940 games would you need a return of 940 x 12 x stake and also maintain 100% in all other games? Or perhaps average 112% over your next 940 games would be easier. Maths never was my stong point:$ Had checked yours and Marks Virgin sharkscopes before and they are very impressive, must be a soft site;)

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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% ROI challenge

Probably isn't this simple but..........to improve 12% over 940 games would you need a return of 940 x 12 x stake and also maintain 100% in all other games? Or perhaps average 112% over your next 940 games would be easier. Maths never was my stong point:$ Had checked yours and Marks Virgin sharkscopes before and they are very impressive, must be a soft site;)
Only players whos first name is Mark win on virgin Hehe. It's not so much as soft, there's a lot of value to be had in certain mtts
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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% ROI challenge

What i would like to say is, you need goals in poker (like you are doing Mark), otherwise where do you want to go with the game? It's funny how we play pl league games, with the intention of beating others, yet when we play people we dont know in bigger tourni's, then the competition ends. We need to play each game like it's our last, and then we will achieve whatever we want :ok What do we want out of poker???
Make it a double challenge then Mark, you go for 100% aswell :)
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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% Virgin ROI challenge I've noticed your successes in daily MTT winnings posts, simply amazing. Of course one could dramatically improve his ROI by playing and hitting the MTT with the biggest buyin possible, but this constant winning rate is flawless.

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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% Virgin ROI challenge

I've noticed your successes in daily MTT winnings posts, simply amazing. Of course one could dramatically improve his ROI by playing and hitting the MTT with the biggest buyin possible, but this constant winning rate is flawless.
This is very true, but i only really play 2 or 3 days a week and only then when im in the mood, i tend to just register in every mtt and dont really look at the buyings as i only look at payouts once im on the final table, this way i bubble less as im playing for the top 5 payouts. Even a €1 mtt can pay a few hundred and you tend to get more bad players in these. Im running good at the moment and ive been playing long enough to realise at anypoint i can have a downswing that could knock 10-15% off my roi. I think players underestimate the need to only play when you want to play, and not play because you have nothing else to do. Frame of mind is a huge part of a winning mentality as i allways tell anyone im coaching.
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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% Virgin ROI challenge

Of course one could dramatically improve his ROI by playing and hitting the MTT with the biggest buyin possible, but this constant winning rate is flawless.
Pretty sure it is'nt worked out like that. More of an average of all your individual ROI's no matter what the stake. What you really need to do is win a big field tourney.
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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% Virgin ROI challenge Well ive drppoed to 89% ROI, but on checking my games, its included mtts i was in when Boss crashed and has counted them as zero returns, before the crash i was in profit for yesterday. Im also still missing around €300 of funds in my account. Hopefully they will return this over the next few days or i obviously wont be continuing on Boss. Im still determined to hit 100% even with this glip, im going to contact sharkscope and see whether they can remove the games that froze and were cancelled. Jag

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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% Virgin ROI challenge No real update this week, hardley played, wernt in the mood so had a break :), its important to not play when you dont fancy grinding. Spent the week chilling and booking up vegas flights and hotel for next march`s trip, cant wait :drums. I`m feeling refreshed by not playing and will be on a mega grind tomorrow. Onwards n upwards!

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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% Virgin ROI challenge Well ive still not hardley played,you may have noticed ive hardley posted in this months winnings thread, still feeling a little under the weather :( Finish the antibiotics in a few days and back to docs to get my results. He is pretty sure its just all stress related with all the hassle from the shop riots/loss adjusters and basically restocking and refitting the shop. Everythings back up 100% now ,so hopefully if it is stress related due to this, it`ll calm down. I`m still determined to finish this challenge and will be back grinding hard soon. Meanwhile im gna start playing a few donkaments and the PL gutshot league and Las Vegas Team Challenge. Run good all. :) Jag

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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% Virgin ROI challenge

Well ive still not hardley played,you may have noticed ive hardley posted in this months winnings thread, still feeling a little under the weather :( Finish the antibiotics in a few days and back to docs to get my results. He is pretty sure its just all stress related with all the hassle from the shop riots/loss adjusters and basically restocking and refitting the shop. Everythings back up 100% now ,so hopefully if it is stress related due to this, it`ll calm down. I`m still determined to finish this challenge and will be back grinding hard soon. Meanwhile im gna start playing a few donkaments and the PL gutshot league and Las Vegas Team Challenge. Run good all. :) Jag
GL Matey. Hope you can carry on with your winning ways:hope
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Re: Goldenjaguar`s 100% Virgin ROI challenge All I can say is Wow! Great graphs Jag! :notworthy Hope you make it to 100% ROI although I'm not sure how closely this relates to money made, as I have a ROI on Virgin of +26% over 116 games and a loss of $146? If it wasn't for vrolls I'd be making losses, as it is I'm in profit , gotta love those vrolls. :lol

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