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Off to Cannes


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Re: Off to Cannes

The mole playing Omaha:lol :hope for a decent run. Playing much yourself these days Johnny?
Not really mate,lost the notion these days. Mole made day 2 but busted out when he got it all in on a Q 10 4 board with his pocket Q's v opponents AK. The river was,of course,a Jack :puke
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Re: Off to Cannes Hitting your set then having your opponent hit a straight... cruel I remember i was playing a good freeroll tournament with loads of fish who likes to open shove 100BBs. Finally i picked up QQ and called a UTG open shove. he showed J8s, i hit my queen on the flop and he hit runner-runner flush. Not a massive tournament but its so frustrating. I need better tilt management. If i had AA on the bubble of the WSOP main event and 4bet shoved my w/e 80BBs and got called by KK and he hit some flush id probably flip the table over.

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