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other poker tools for you to look at,help with odds,player stats etc


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Re: other poker tools for you to look at,help with odds,player stats etc Ive never ever used any tracking sofrware, i think its a bit sad really. Technology being what it is, i suppose its time i tried to use it, it just seems to me that online poker has become more of a game of who can use the tracking software in the best way and not about poker at all. :sad

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Re: other poker tools for you to look at,help with odds,player stats etc

there are 3 poker tools that i feel are invaluable to anyone who is overawed by PokerTracker3 and HoldemManager. HoldemIndicator for your cash games: www.holdemindicator.com/ Tournament Indicator for your tourneys: www.tournamentindicator.com and Omaha Indicator for Omaha & Omaha Hi/Lo www.omahaindicator.com
If you have PT3 there is no need to buy tournamentindicator if you alredy have holdenindicator. Holdemindicator will calculate the odds for touraments as well as cash games (touramentIndicator will not work on cash games), but it does not show M, but you can set up the PT3 HUD to show M. No need to buy both tournamentindicator and holdemindicator if you have PT3:ok
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