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WPT Mag & 888Poker Home Game tourney 30th October @ 8pm


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WPT Poker Editor and PL regular Jon Young has set up his own private lounge on 888poker and he is inviting you all to join him. knock out Jon or another WPT writer for bounties such as 888poker hoodies and cards and of course bragging rights. the freeroll is password protected and can be found on page 79 of this months magazine - 10 get paid: 1st = $600 2nd = $300 3rd to 6th = $150 7th to 10th = $97

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Re: WPT Mag & 888Poker Home Game tourney 30th October @ 8pm

still cant get in, have you done it exactly as the magazine is printed? ie: Jon Young`s WPT Poker Lounge
Hi, It's up now under the restricted tab,I can't seem to get registered,I put the password in my phone I must've done it wrong will check when I get home.:$
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Re: WPT Mag & 888Poker Home Game tourney 30th October @ 8pm

i was looking under the home games tab. found the tourney and 1 regged, warne888, but doesnt accept the published password :unsure
Maybe I am putting in the right one and it's not accepting it,will double check when I get home.
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Re: WPT Mag & 888Poker Home Game tourney 30th October @ 8pm

Better take it down before the freeroll is swamped by Romanians? Saying that, it will probably get leaked nearer the time anyway.
In most WPT magazine password tourneys I have played the password has very rarely been leaked.
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Re: WPT Mag & 888Poker Home Game tourney 30th October @ 8pm If the password printed in the mag is wrong they need to communicate the correct one somehow so as Jon is the editor and posted the password here himself we're happy to leave it in the thread. He can edit it out of his own post if he changes his mind. :ok

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