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Flush Draw On Flop


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This happens to me often, so I'm going to see if someone out there has an opinion on how to handle this action... I'm a tight player and under the gun and I hit top pair (with unsuited King kicker) on the flop. The flop also brings a flush draw (which doesn't help me at all). I bet 5x big blind, which is the pot size also, to push chasers out. All players fold, except 1 who is seated left to me. The turn brings the suited card to fulfill the 3-carded flush draw. I bet 7x ($700) big blind, but my opponent reraises me to 15x ($1500) big blind. It felt like he was faking a flush, so I called him. I check to him on the river, and he bets $2,000. What would you do with this river play? Would you fold or call? Would you believe he really had the flush. He was low stacked. Did I mess up the play by checking the river and giving him another opportunity to steal? When I looked at him for tells, he was staring right at me. Thanks.:beer

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