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Sky Poker Tour Season 4 - 2011/2012

Burnley Joe

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On the eve of the SPT Main Event in Nottingham, Sky Poker has announced a revamped schedule for the 2011/12 Sky Poker Tour season, with over £250,000 in guaranteed prizepools and even more chances for players to win a Sky Poker Tour event. With more two day events, SPT side events, a split venue weekend and even larger guaranteed prize pools, Season 4 should be a stormer for players of the UK poker room. Please find below details for the six Sky Poker Tour legs and the Grand Final finale which will once again be hosted at Dusk Till Dawn in Nottingham. Leg 1 – Dusk Till Dawn, Nottingham (Six-Max Event) 29th - 30th October 2011 – 2 day event £220 buy-in, 200 runner cap. Leg 2 – Aspers Casino, Newcastle 10th December 2011 £110 buy-in, 150 runner cap. Leg 3 – G Casino, Luton 28th - 29th January 2012 – 2 day event £220 buy-in, 200 runner cap. Leg 4 North – Alea Casino, Glasgow 10th March 2012 £110 buy-in, 150 player cap. Leg 4 South – G Casino, Brighton 10th March 2012 £110 buy-in, 130 player cap. Leg 5 – Les Croupiers, Cardiff 28th April 2012 £110 buy-in, 200 player cap. Leg 6 – G Casino, Blackpool (Bounty Hunter Event) 23rd & 24th June 2012 £220 buy-in, 150 player cap Grand Final – Dusk Till Dawn, Nottingham 8th & 9th August 2012 £330 buy-in, 250 player cap. As well as the Main Events at each of these legs, all venues will also be hosting SPT side events on both Friday and Saturday nights. Two day events will also see the inclusion of a Sunday side event, completing what will promise to be a bumper weekend of poker. “It’s promises to be the biggest and best ever Sky Poker Tour. Our customers love these events and I’m sure they will be putting dates in the diary for these” said Richard Milner, head of Sky Poker. “With the addition of a new Sky Poker Tour Leaderboard too, it’s sure to be even more competitive tour.” This is a really impressive looking tour in this writers opinion, with the right mix of buy-ins and variety of events to appeal to the broadest possibly demographic, while at the same time standing out a little from the crowd. Details of the satellites for Leg 1 of the 2011-12 Sky Poker Tour will be announced soon, but as always each tournament will be designed for smaller bankrolls and focus on great structures. For further information, go


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Re: Sky Poker Tour Season 4 - 2011/2012 The main event didn't go my way at all, had aces twice and everyone folded, i probably should have gone out alot earlier than i did as had been have a few hands with the guy to my right who i knew was a good player and plays poker for a living, i think he came 5th in the end. He raises to 3x for the small blind and i call from the big blind with a6, the flop comes 10 a 6, happy days, he bets 2/3 pot on the flop, i call knowing he is an aggressive player and will probably barrel the turn, turn is a brick, he bets again about 2/3 pot, i was going to re-raise him here, but for some reason i was a little suspicious, i put him on a big ace, a 10 being a possibility, so i called again. There's know about 5k in the pot, i started hand with about 15k, which was the starting stack, the river comes another brick and he fires out another bet of 3200, i know he knows i have a hand and figure its probably best just to call and he turns over 10 10 for the flopped set. My stack never really recovers and i get it in with 66 against a8, he hits 2 pair i think. The £30 side event which had start about 30 mins before i got knocked out of main event was much better for me, 10k starting stack, 15 min clock, 98 runners, top 9 paid. I picked up kings in the first hand and got some action. It gets down to the last 3 tables and i'm down to about 10 bb's and i ship in it with 44 and get 2 all in's behind me, i figure i'm in horrible shape, but they both have ak, i flop a set and treble up. It gets to the bubble and by this time average stack is about 50k, i have 75k, blind's are 5k/10k ante 1k, so its shove or fold mode, i pick up aces in the small blind and min raise to 20k the big blind shoves all in and i call he turns over kj and of course turns a straight, so i'm down to 1 bb:puke I get it in with ak against ak, so split the antes, i now have 1.5 bb's and its my bb, the sb shoves and i call with looking at my cards, he has a7 and i have 57, luckily i hit the 5:), then i get dealt 10's in early position so i ship it in, same guy that busted my aces goes all in behind me with jacks, luckily i hit quads:lol and the bloke starts bemoaning his luck, i remind him that he busted my aces and i deserved this one;). Anyway the bubble bursts and i make it to the final table. Basically it was just shove or fold as average stack was only 5bb's, we did a deal when we were down to 5. £505 each, but i agreed to pay the dealers £55 out of my winnings as i was the shortest stack by a reasonable margin, so was quite happy as i came 3rd and it would only have paid £411 anyway. Bring on Newcastle on December 10th, hopefully there might be a few PL'ers there.

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Re: Sky Poker Tour Season 4 - 2011/2012 Had a good weekend and met up with quite a few people, including Mark and Morls. Played the £20 friday game and got knocked out midway i think and then went on the cash tables for quite a while a donked off my buy in with a flush draw against a sky player i knew with 2 pair, which he turned into a house:eyes The main event didn't go too great either as i just couldn't get about my starting stack, do agree with Mark that the structure could do with tweaking to give you a little more play early on, but hopefully they will address this issue. I went out in about 80th, when i had jacks in 2 consecutive hands, the first time i shipped for just over 4k and everyone folded, although a lady claimed she had folded jacks in first position as she always gets beat with them:eek, then the next hand its raised to 1300 in early position and i re ship for about 6k and he eventually calls saying he thinks he's behind, but wants to gamble he has a10 and turns trip aces:eyes. Anyway move onto the Saturday night game, starts at 8pm is a £30 +4 double chance and is a deepstack with 8k starting stack, which just seems weird that the main event has a smaller starting stack, anyway manage to get to the final table and finish 7th in the end at 4.15am for £160, so paid for my poker.:) I think milber went out about 60th maybe when he got done by a 1 outer and morls went out in 34th i think, but didn't see him as i was playing the side event by then, sure he'll post up what happened.

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Re: Sky Poker Tour Season 4 - 2011/2012 I had the pleasure of being on the same table as Milber and PokerPad from the start of the main event which was always going to be a hard challenge - Until I took both of them out haha. Me vs PokerPad was a simple AK vs AQ situation, Mark shoved as a semi-small stack and I called, no help and he's gone. Me vs Milber was a bit of a war, I doubled Mark up when we got it all in QQ vs AA and he promptly donked them off in an hour lol, I call his all in of 360 chips with 106 diamonds as do 2 others, the flop is a great Jd 6c 2d so I have 2nd pair with a flush draw. I was expecting a check down as per usual til the two of us checked and the guy on the button bet 1200 into the 1600 pot, the guy in the small blind called and I decided to end it there, I shoved for 10k and after much deliberation they both hummed and hahhed and folded, Mark was beat and for once my play was holding up and working! I'd been asked to do an Interview with Sky Poker twice and managed to dodge them twice as I'm a bit supersticious about Interviews before you've done well (cashed or won) and when our table split later in the day they grabbed me and I had no choice.....well my suspicions were right, 10 mins later I'm gone too..... Blinds 600-1200 with 100 ante i think and I have 12k left, all folds round to the small blind who has a decent stack. I'm watching the table like a hawk and notice he never looked at his cards but raised to 3000, I have K2 hearts and decide to push all in, he snap calls again without looking and has A7o.....a 2 on the flop puts me ahead but a 7 on the river takes me out in 34th. I ended up having a drink with a few old school mates downstairs and missed Daves final tabling, but got home just intime to watch the heads up of the main event online. Thanks to Sky Poker for another good event:ok

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