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Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games

-James M-

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Right, well although I've played poker for a while it's never been profitable for me so I'm looking to record my progress on here as I work to tidy up my game and start to build up a decent bankroll. My previous outings have focused on tournament play for 2 reasons: 1) Losses are limited to buy in, and 2) Potential to win big from very little. I had relatively successful attempts at building a bankroll with these, seeing my $40 become $60 was a standard return on a months work, however I found the time-to-reward ratio was terrible as I would make a decent cash around 1 in 8 tournys and even a win in the 90 man MTT's I played would only turn a $20 profit. This method of building bored me and inevitably I would blow my bankroll moving up levels when I wasn't ready or entering weekly $11 tournys on Stars and never cashing! Essay over, I'm now looking at building a bankroll up consistently from $40, playing $0.01/$0.02NLHE cash games with a starting stack of $1 and playing 6 tables at a time (about as much as I can manage for now). I'm hoping to take advantage of the VPP rewards and should reach Silverstar this month with only 2hours or so a day which shouldnt be hard. Any advice from regular cash players on improving your hourly rate? Once I can play more tables at a time I will do, but staying at 6 for now and focusing on the quality of my play. Any tips for earning VPP's on stars etc.

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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games Hi James best of luck with this, with regarding the HUD Teaulc has a thread in the strategy forum here it is http://forum.punterslounge.com/f62/how-interpret-your-opponent-s-poker-stats-111464/ Also read the following http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/78/micro-stakes-full-ring/cotw-configuring-our-hud-stats-699669/ Hope this helps

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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games

Good luck with this, A very nice start to your challenge, keep us informed of your progress, some very good online cash players here, who im sure will give you any help or advice you may need.Good luck :clap
Cheers, will keep it updated as often as I can.
Hi James best of luck with this, with regarding the HUD Teaulc has a thread in the strategy forum here it is http://forum.punterslounge.com/f62/how-interpret-your-opponent-s-poker-stats-111464/ Also read the following http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/78/micro-stakes-full-ring/cotw-configuring-our-hud-stats-699669/ Hope this helps
:ok Thanks for those, will have a read through them now. Update: after around 2.5 days Hands - 2500 Bankroll - $51.80 P/L - $11.80 $/100 hands - $0.47 BB/100 hands - 24BB/100 VPP earned - 71/750 for Silverstar Really pleased with how its going so far, had a terrible morning with AA, KK and QQ all being turned over by weaker hands costing me $4, but managed to finish my session well to be $1 in profit. Pleased with my poker in general, just need to be more confident with value bets on the river. When I hold the nuts I'm getting really good value and being called a lot, but when I'm unsure I check too often and win the hand.....need to start making sure I get max profit every hand I play!
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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games Haven't been playing brilliantly, become looser than I should be as most players at this limit are terrible and I'm not respecting them enough. Played 1500 hands today. Total 5000 hands, bankroll of $47.84, BB/100 at 2.86, made 97 VPP's. Bankroll should be better as should the BB/100 but I need to tighten up my game.

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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games After a poor weekend where I was getting sucked into too many big pots and lost $4 in an hour I took a break to assess my game. Tightened up a bit more and have seen positive results with 3 of my last 4 sessions proving profitable. Total 7000 hands, Bankroll $44.82, BB/100 at 1.9, 130 VPP's.

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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games It might be hard to play good poker in these NL2 microstakes. For me it would be a psychological problem to move down from 11$ tourney buyins into these smallest microstakes. How do you feel? Is it really fulfilling to play that many hands for cents?

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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games It can be hard in that the normal rules of poker don't tend to apply. People can call pre flop with anything! I don't mind not making much money as I'm focusing on improving my poker and building a bankroll up. Its more about making the right moves and making a steady profit. I've definately seen an improvement and played 2 SnG's for $1.50 and placed in both, coming second in one (i should have won, flopped nut straight shoved and was called, he hit a full house on the river when the board paired!). The ultimate aim is to make decent money but as my bankroll doubles i'll double my stakes and in time I'll be able to afford bigger buy-in tournys.

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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games How is your VPIP & PFR stats so far according to Pokertracker - This is the first area i looked at when i started relearning the game(for the 2nd or 3rd time, currently only 3 weeks in) - i needed to close the gap between my VPIP & PFR as i was calling way too much. They say that the gap between VPIP & PFR should only be a few points. Over the 2k hands i have played my gap is 3 which is where i want it to be. Here is a good little exercise which will help me with opening range and helped to put people on a range of hands. Download pokerstove(its free) and open an exel spreedsheet or word document (or pen and paper) List the seats in a column for UTG to SB, then open pokerstove and in the preflop Hold'em Distribution section (click player 2, and then the Preflop tab in the new pop-up). For each of the seats select which cards you would open with and note what % of the over all hand they make up next to that seat. Naturally you will be opening a wilder range the closer you get to the Btn. Add all the % up and Divide by the Number of seats, and you will get your theoretical PFR if it folded around to you every time. The reality is it will never be this high, it will be about 2/3's of this (i think) Play around with you opening ranges in the different seats and it will give you an idea what people are opening with in different seats when you check their PFR in PT's HUD Pop-up, as not all players with a general PFR of say 10 are only playing 10% of the hands from the Btn or CO nor do you want to be calling or 3 betting an UTG raiser with a PFR of 5 from EP, light or with a hand where you have little chance of flopping a monster. Play around with Pokerstove, it is very handy to see what ranges people are opening with, and 3 betting with preflop and make is easier for you to fold, call or raise. Good Luck at the tables tomorrow

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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games Thanks Rebel, really smart idea. It would be good to start thinking a bit more about what people play from each position to help me avoid sticky situations where I lose big amounts. My VPIP is 24.9 and my PFR is only 15.9 over 7500 hands. This means I'm cold calling raisers too often doesn't it? I have been cutting this down in the last 2000 hands so the gap should be closing slowly.

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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games 90% of the time you are better off raising or floding preflop - but you could be winning by calling preflop and out playing players post flop. It is easy to check, in the PT filters under the Action Tab and Preflop sub-tab select Vol. Put $ in Pot and Did Not Raise and run the filter, if you are above break even well done. Then clear the filters and under the same tabs select Any Raise, you should see a big different between the 2 graphs and why it is better most of the time raising preflop.

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Re: Bankroll Building with Low Limit Cash Games Cheers. I've started incorporating single 9-man SnG's into my play, this has proven that my game has improved with 3 places in 4 tournaments, helping push my bankroll to $50. I'm aiming to play 1000 hands per day at $0.01/$0.02NL cash as well as 4 or 5 $1.50 9-man SnG's. If I can play steadily at 2BB/100 on the cash tables and place in 50% or more tourneys I should make $5 per day and so by next month I will be able to move up to $0.02/$0.05NL.

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